Swing Constants : Swing Introduction « Swing « Java Tutorial

Box-orientation Constants:

  1. static int TOP
  2. static int LEFT
  3. static int BOTTOM
  4. static int RIGHT

Geographical-direction Constants:

  1. static int NORTH
  2. static int NORTH_EAST
  3. static int EAST
  4. static int SOUTH_EAST
  5. static int SOUTH
  6. static int SOUTH_WEST
  7. static int SOUTH
  8. static int NORTH_WEST
  9. static int CENTER

The orientation of a component:

  1. static int HORIZONTAL
  2. static int VERTICAL

14.1.Swing Introduction
14.1.1.Swing MVC
14.1.2.Swing components
14.1.3.Understanding the Predefined Data Models: Swing Component Models
14.1.4.Small Swing ApplicationSmall Swing Application
14.1.5.Swing Constants
14.1.6.Swing Worker from JDK 6 SE
14.1.7.Get position of component