14.66.JTree |
| 14.66.1. | Creating a JTree |
| 14.66.2. | Using Vector to store JTree values | ![Using Vector to store JTree values](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/TreeArraySample.PNG) |
| 14.66.3. | Create JTree from Vector |
| 14.66.4. | Working with the Nodes of the Tree | ![Working with the Nodes of the Tree](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/DefaultMutableTreeNodeDemo.PNG) |
| 14.66.5. | Scrolling Trees: public void scrollPathToVisible(TreePath path) and public void scrollRowToVisible(int row) | ![Scrolling Trees: public void scrollPathToVisible(TreePath path) and public void scrollRowToVisible(int row)](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/TreeExpandRowAndMakeRowVisible.PNG) |
| 14.66.6. | Traversing Trees | ![Traversing Trees](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/PrintDescendants.PNG) |
| 14.66.7. | JTree.lineStyle client property | ![JTree.lineStyle client property](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/ChangingTreeLineStyle.PNG) |
| 14.66.8. | Changing the icons of a tree: UIManager.put(Tree.openIcon, new ImageIcon(yourFile.gif)); | ![Changing the icons of a tree: UIManager.put(Tree.openIcon, new ImageIcon(yourFile.gif));](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/ChangingTreeOpenIcon.PNG) |
| 14.66.9. | Produce horizontal lines between level-one nodes | ![Produce horizontal lines between level-one nodes](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/ChangingTreeLineStyleColorHorizontal.PNG) |
| 14.66.10. | Using Boolean value cell renderer to display boolean and non-boolean values | ![Using Boolean value cell renderer to display boolean and non-boolean values](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/TreeEdit.PNG) |
| 14.66.11. | Creating DefaultTreeCellEditor from its Default Tree Renderer | ![Creating DefaultTreeCellEditor from its Default Tree Renderer](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/TreeEdit.PNG) |
| 14.66.12. | Adding children DefaultMutableTreeNode to its parent | ![Adding children DefaultMutableTreeNode to its parent](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/DefaultMutableTreeNodeAddingDemo.PNG) |
| 14.66.13. | JTree.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION) |
| 14.66.14. | Traveling to all the nodes | ![Traveling to all the nodes](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/PostPreorderAndDepthEnumeration.PNG) |
| 14.66.15. | JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode Class | ![JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode Class](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/DynamicUtilTreeNodeDemo.PNG) |
| 14.66.16. | Tree Will Expand Listener | ![Tree Will Expand Listener](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/TreeWillExpandListenerDemo.PNG) |
| 14.66.17. | To find out when a tree node has been expanded or collapsed | ![To find out when a tree node has been expanded or collapsed](http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaImages/TreeExpansionListenerDemo.PNG) |
| 14.66.18. | Dynamic Tree |
| 14.66.19. | Have the row height for each row computed individually |
| 14.66.20. | Setting the Row Height of a JTree |
| 14.66.21. | All rows will be given 15 pixels of height |
| 14.66.22. | Preventing Expansion or Collapse of a Node in a JTree: override JTree.setExpandedState() |
| 14.66.23. | Listening for Expansion and Collapse Events in a JTree Component |
| 14.66.24. | Expansion and Collapse Events in a JTree are fired before a node is expanded or collapsed can be vetoed, thereby preventing the operation. |
| 14.66.25. | Creating a JTree Component |
| 14.66.26. | Visiting All the Nodes in a JTree Component |
| 14.66.27. | Traverse all expanded nodes in tree |
| 14.66.28. | Finding a Node in a JTree Component |
| 14.66.29. | Search backward from last visible row looking for any visible node whose name starts with prefix. |
| 14.66.30. | Find the path regardless of visibility that matches the specified sequence of names |
| 14.66.31. | Preventing the Expansion or Collapse of a Node in a JTree Component |
| 14.66.32. | Have a popup attached to a JTree |
| 14.66.33. | Adding editable nodes to JTree |
| 14.66.34. | Drag and drop of a group of files into a tree |
| 14.66.35. | JTree Look and Feel |