Reading Properties Files using ResourceBundle : ResourceBundle « I18N « Java Tutorial

You can obtain an instance of ResourceBundle by calling its static getBundle method.

public static ResourceBundle getBundle(java.lang.String baseName)
public static ResourceBundle getBundle(java.lang.String baseName, Locale locale)

For example:

ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MyResources", Locale.US);

This will load the ResourceBundle object with the values in the corresponding properties file.

  1. If a suitable properties file is not found, the ResourceBundle object will use the default properties file, which will be the one whose name equals the base name and has the properties extension. In this case, the default file would be
  2. If this file is not found, a java.util.MissingResourceException will be thrown.

To read a value, you use the ResourceBundle class's getString method, passing the key.

public java.lang.String getString(java.lang.String key)

If the entry with the specified key is not found, a java.util.MissingResourceException will be thrown.

13.4.1.File name for java.util.ResourceBundle
13.4.2.Load resources via a resources file
13.4.3.Reading Properties Files using ResourceBundle
13.4.4.Convert ResourceBundle to Properties
13.4.5.Convert ResourceBundle to Map
13.4.6.An Internationalized Swing Application
13.4.7.JOptionPane Resources
13.4.8.Using the JDK 6 ResourceBundle class
13.4.9.Displaying Calendar Names
13.4.10.Customizing Resource Bundle Loading
13.4.11.XML resource bundle
13.4.12.Get resource bundle for a certain locale
13.4.13.Java file based resource bundle
13.4.14.ResourceBundle: avoid a performance penalty by superfluous resource (and classes loaded by Class.forName) lookups on web server in applets.