Get resource bundle for a certain locale : ResourceBundle « I18N « Java Tutorial

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;

public class Animals {

  public static void main(String [] argv) {

    ResourceBundle animalResources;

    try {
      animalResources = ResourceBundle.getBundle("AnimalResources", Locale.getDefault());
    } catch (MissingResourceException mre) {

# Sample properties file with keys whose values span more than one line
Animals=Cat, Dog, Giraffe, \
    Bear, Moose

13.4.1.File name for java.util.ResourceBundle
13.4.2.Load resources via a resources file
13.4.3.Reading Properties Files using ResourceBundle
13.4.4.Convert ResourceBundle to Properties
13.4.5.Convert ResourceBundle to Map
13.4.6.An Internationalized Swing Application
13.4.7.JOptionPane Resources
13.4.8.Using the JDK 6 ResourceBundle class
13.4.9.Displaying Calendar Names
13.4.10.Customizing Resource Bundle Loading
13.4.11.XML resource bundle
13.4.12.Get resource bundle for a certain locale
13.4.13.Java file based resource bundle
13.4.14.ResourceBundle: avoid a performance penalty by superfluous resource (and classes loaded by Class.forName) lookups on web server in applets.