The jar Tool : Introduction « Language « Java Tutorial

The jar tool creates a JAR archive file by combining multiple files of a Java application.

The jar tool compresses content based on the ZIP and ZLIB compression formats.

You can also use the jar tool to extract the content of a JAR file.

The syntax to use the jar tool is:

Usage: jar {ctxui}[vfm0Me] [jar-file] [manifest-file] [entry-point] [-C dir] files
cCreates a new archive.
tLists the contents of an archive.
xExtracts contents from an archive.
uUpdates an existing archive.
vDisplays output at the command prompt while the jar tool performs an operation.
fSpecifies the name of the archive file.
mIncludes a specified manifest file in the archive.
oInstructs the jar tool not to compress content.
MInstructs the jar tool not to create a manifest file for an archive. The jar tool, by default, creates an empty manifest file in an archive.
CSpecifies the directories to include in the archive.

1.1.1.Developing a Java program involves
1.1.2.JDK Utilities
1.1.3.See the details of the compilation: use the verbose option
1.1.4.A profiler is used to analyze how much time a program spends in each part of the code.
1.1.5.The syntax to use the javac tool
1.1.6.Java Compiler Options
1.1.7.The java Tool
1.1.8.Commonly Used Java Command Options
1.1.9.The javadoc Tool
1.1.10.The jar Tool
1.1.11.The javap Tool
1.1.12.Some of the Options Supported by the javap Utility
1.1.13.The jarsignature Tool
1.1.14.The native2ascii Tool
1.1.15.The jconsole Tool
1.1.16.Set the memory available to the JVM
1.1.17.Java memory command line arguments