JDK Utilities : Introduction « Language « Java Tutorial

javacThe Java compiler. Converts Java source code into bytecodes.
javaThe Java interpreter. Executes Java application bytecodes directly from class files.
appletviewerA Java interpreter that executes Java applet classes hosted by HTML files.
javadocCreates HTML documentation based on Java source code and the comments it contains.
rmicCreates class files that support Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
rmiregistryRegistry used to gain access to RMI objects on a specific machine.
rmidActivation system daemon for RMI object registration and activation.
native2asciiSpecial program used to convert between standard Latin-1 Unicode characters and other international encoding schemes.
jarJava Archive (JAR) file generator. JAR files allow multiple Java classes and resources to be distributed in one compressed file.
keytoolUsed for security key generation and management.
jarsignerImplements digital signing of JAR and class files. Allows applets to be certified by trusted authorities.
policytoolAllows user-installation-level security policy configuration.

1.1.1.Developing a Java program involves
1.1.2.JDK Utilities
1.1.3.See the details of the compilation: use the verbose option
1.1.4.A profiler is used to analyze how much time a program spends in each part of the code.
1.1.5.The syntax to use the javac tool
1.1.6.Java Compiler Options
1.1.7.The java Tool
1.1.8.Commonly Used Java Command Options
1.1.9.The javadoc Tool
1.1.10.The jar Tool
1.1.11.The javap Tool
1.1.12.Some of the Options Supported by the javap Utility
1.1.13.The jarsignature Tool
1.1.14.The native2ascii Tool
1.1.15.The jconsole Tool
1.1.16.Set the memory available to the JVM
1.1.17.Java memory command line arguments