Inherit protected fields : class hierarchy « Class « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class MyType {

       float value;

         float remove(float);
         float add(float);
         void display();

   value = 1000;

float MyType::remove(float amount)

    value -= amount;
       return value;
float MyType::add(float amount)
    value += amount;
       return value;

void MyType::display()
  cout << "Your value is " << value << endl;

class DerivedType:public MyType


DerivedType myDerivedType;

int main()
  float amount, value;

  cout << endl;

  cout << "Please enter the amount to add \n";
  cin>> amount;
  value = myDerivedType.add(amount);
  cout << "New value is " << value << endl;
  cout << endl;

  cout << "Please enter the amount to remove \n";
  cin >> amount;
  value = myDerivedType.remove(amount);
  cout << "New value is " << value << endl;
  cout << endl;

  return 0;
Your value is 1000

Please enter the amount to add
New value is 1123

Please enter the amount to remove
New value is 1000

9.7.class hierarchy
9.7.1.A simple class hierarchy.
9.7.2.A multilevel hierarchy
9.7.3.Deriving ADTs from other ADTs
9.7.4.Use typeid to test type equality
9.7.5.Multiple base class constructing and destructing
9.7.6.Three level inheritance
9.7.7.Overload across class hiearchy
9.7.8.Shadow base class function in its two children classes
9.7.9.Reference another class in member function
9.7.10.Shadow function with the same name in base class
9.7.11.Inherit protected fields
9.7.12.Call constructor from base class