Scale a ListBox : ListBox Style « Windows Presentation Foundation « C# / CSharp Tutorial

<Window x:Class="WPFTransformations.Scale"
  Title="Scale Transform" Height="400" Width="300"

        <StackPanel Margin="8">
            <TextBlock Height="25" Width="100"/>

            <ListBox Height="100" Width="200" BorderThickness="2">
                <ListBoxItem Content="Item 1" Height="22"/>
                <ListBoxItem Content="Item 2" Height="22"/>
                <ListBoxItem Content="Item 3" Height="22"/>
                <ListBoxItem Content="Item 4" Height="22"/>
                    <ScaleTransform ScaleX="{Binding Path=Value, ElementName=sliderScaleX}" 
                                    ScaleY="{Binding Path=Value, ElementName=sliderScaleY}"
            CenterX="{Binding Path=Value, ElementName=sliderScaleCX}" 
            CenterY="{Binding Path=Value, ElementName=sliderScaleCY}" 

            <TextBlock Height="65" Width="100"/>
            <Grid HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="2">
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="62" />
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="93"/>
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="16*" />

                <TextBlock Text="Scale X:" Margin="0,0,16.323,0" />
                <Slider Name="sliderScaleX" Maximum="2.5" Minimum="0" Value="1" TickFrequency=".1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Margin="45.677,0,0,0" />
                <TextBox Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" Text="{Binding Path=Value, ElementName=sliderScaleX}"/>

                <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Text="Scale Y:" Margin="0,0,16.323,0" />
                <Slider Grid.Row="1" Name="sliderScaleY" Maximum="2.5" Minimum="0" Value="1" TickFrequency=".1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Margin="45.677,0,0,0" />
                <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Text="{Binding Path=Value, ElementName=sliderScaleY}"/>

        <StackPanel Margin="8">
            <TextBlock Height="25" Width="100"/>
            <Rectangle Height="100" Width="200" Stroke="Red" Fill="Red" Opacity=".05"/>
WPF Scale A List Box

24.33.ListBox Style
24.33.1.Rotate a ListBoxRotate a ListBox
24.33.2.Scale a ListBoxScale a ListBox
24.33.3.Skew Transforms for a ListBoxSkew Transforms for a ListBox
24.33.4.Different Font Family and Size for each ListBoxItemDifferent Font Family and Size for each ListBoxItem
24.33.5.Create a style that will produce a horizontal ListBox.Create a style that will produce a horizontal ListBox.
24.33.6.Change the Appearance of Alternate Items in a ListChange the Appearance of Alternate Items in a List
24.33.7.Change the Appearance of a List Item When It's SelectedChange the Appearance of a List Item When It's Selected