Math defines several standard mathematical operations. : Math Function « Development « C# / CSharp Tutorial

  1. All of the methods defined by Math are static.
  2. All angles are in radians.

Math also defines these two fields:

  1. public const double E
  2. public const double PI
  3. E is the value of the natural logarithm base, commonly referred to as e.
  4. PI is the value of pi.

The Math class is sealed and it cannot be inherited.

14.13.Math Function
14.13.1.Math defines several standard mathematical operations.
14.13.2.The Methods Defined by Math
14.13.3.Math functions in action
14.13.5.This example demonstrates Math.Sign()
14.13.6.This example demonstrates Math.Max()
14.13.7.Calculate the radius of a circle given its area using Math function