Math.Cos() : Math Function « Development « C# / CSharp Tutorial

using System; 
class Example {    
  public static void Main() {    
    Double theta; // angle in radians 
    for(theta = 0.1; theta <= 1.0; theta = theta + 0.1) { 
      Console.WriteLine("Cosine of " + theta + "  is " + 
Cosine of 0.1  is 0.995004165278026

Cosine of 0.2  is 0.980066577841242

Cosine of 0.3  is 0.955336489125606

Cosine of 0.4  is 0.921060994002885

Cosine of 0.5  is 0.877582561890373

Cosine of 0.6  is 0.825335614909678

Cosine of 0.7  is 0.764842187284489

Cosine of 0.8  is 0.696706709347166

Cosine of 0.9  is 0.621609968270665

Cosine of 1  is 0.54030230586814

14.13.Math Function
14.13.1.Math defines several standard mathematical operations.
14.13.2.The Methods Defined by Math
14.13.3.Math functions in action
14.13.5.This example demonstrates Math.Sign()
14.13.6.This example demonstrates Math.Max()
14.13.7.Calculate the radius of a circle given its area using Math function