Short circuiting : Logic Operators « Operator « C Tutorial

When evaluating logical expressions, C uses the technique of short circuiting.

C1 && C2 && C3 && C4

So if C1 is false C2, C3, and C4 are not evaluated.

C1 || C2 || C3 || C4

So if C1 is true C2, C3, and C4 are not evaluated.

5.5.Logic Operators
5.5.1.Boolean Operator in C
5.5.2.Logical operator
5.5.3.Logical AND (&&) returns a true value if both relational expressions are true.
5.5.4.Short circuiting
5.5.5.Ternary operator
5.5.6.Testing letters with logic operator and (&&)
5.5.7.The || is the logical OR operator.