Logical operator : Logic Operators « Operator « C Tutorial

You can combine multiple relations or logical operations by logical operation.

The logical operators are negation (!), logical AND (&&), and logical OR (||),


  int c1 = 1,c2 = 2,c3 = 3;

  if((c1 < c2) && (c1<c3)){
     printf("\n c1 is less than c2 and c3");
  if (!(c1< c2)){
     printf("\n c1 is greater than c2");
  if ((c1 < c2)||(c1 < c3)){
     printf("\n c1 is less than c2 or c3 or both");
c1 is less than c2 and c3
      c1 is less than c2 or c3 or both

5.5.Logic Operators
5.5.1.Boolean Operator in C
5.5.2.Logical operator
5.5.3.Logical AND (&&) returns a true value if both relational expressions are true.
5.5.4.Short circuiting
5.5.5.Ternary operator
5.5.6.Testing letters with logic operator and (&&)
5.5.7.The || is the logical OR operator.