1.6.Global.asax |
| 1.6.1. | The global.asax Application File |
| 1.6.2. | Some events don't fire with every request: |
| 1.6.3. | Global application file. (C#) |
| 1.6.4. | Appication level event handlers in global.asax |
| 1.6.5. | Global.asax file can be used to track the number of page requests made for any page. |
| 1.6.6. | Application level action sequence |
| 1.6.7. | Static application variables |
| 1.6.8. | Override string GetVaryByCustomString in Global.asax (C#) |
| 1.6.9. | Override string GetVaryByCustomString in Global.asax (VB) |
| 1.6.10. | Log exception in Global.asax (C#) |
| 1.6.11. | Log exception in Global.asax (VB) |