Timer « Thread « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java does javax.swing.Timer run on new thread?    stackoverflow.com

I am using javax.swing.Timer to schedule and run events. But it seems to be freezing the GUI. Just wanted to know whether these events are run on a seperate thread or ...

2. What is the best way to implement a timer that will be stopped and restarted in a Java Swing Application?    stackoverflow.com

Ok, I'm working on my final dilemna for my project. The project is an IPv4 endpoint updater for TunnelBroker's IPv6 tunnel. I have everything working, except for the timer. ...

3. Keyboard Actionlistener    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to make a space ship (PlayerShip.gif) in my game move left, right, up, and down when the coresponding keys are pressed. I know i need an keyboardListener ...

4. Create 2 threads and communicate between them    stackoverflow.com

I want to make a background task in one thread and send information from that thread to another thread which runs the main program and update the information each period of ...

5. How to implement a count down timer in swing    stackoverflow.com

I would like to know how should I implement a count down timer in swing.
I'm currently developing a net game with count down timer, and I need the Timer to be ...

6. Sending information over DataOutputStream throws exception    stackoverflow.com

Consider you have the following code implementation of a timer in a net game:

public void DefineTimer()

7. How to add a timer object to perform every X seconds actions on one thread and every Y sec on the other one?    stackoverflow.com

What is the best approach to make a few threads which perform some action asynchronous on JPanel canvas, and can be controlled form main(...)? What about synchronization techniques?

8. javax.swing.Timer    coderanch.com

I'm having a problem with my timer not firing after 12 midnight?? Any ideas??? I'm using it in a OS4690 environment? The timer is NOT dead, and it is running, but it will not fire after midnight randomly. I got 4 or 5 machines running the same code. 25% of the time, on one of the machines the code will not ...

9. Swing timer question.    coderanch.com

Hallo I just read the "Taming threads" from Allen Holub and on the chapter "Timer, alarms, and thread safety" I have a question about the swing timers action listern. As long as I understand if you pass an (java.awt)ActionListenr to a (javax.swing) Timer, the time queue thread handle this by using the (javax.swing) SwingUtilities.invokeLater - in the runnable paramter is the ...

10. Swing Timer and Date Class thread question...    coderanch.com

Henry- Thanks for the super quick response. As you have stated, I am trying to be careful using timers and the system time and I ran across this problem. I am writing an application that would have to function through windows automatically changing for daylight savings time for example. Is there any workaround??? Would a Thread sub class using sleep() do ...

11. Timer thread safety    coderanch.com

Not sure, but having looked at the API for javax.swing.Timer, I can't see why you can't have a timer event 1 microsecond before stop() is evoked. By this time the actionEvent will have been fired, and the actionPerformed() method might not be activated until after the Timer has stopped. It doesn't say anything about thread safety in the Timer API, but ...

12. Swing Timer and MouseListener not getting along - Multithreading? Event Dispatch?    java-forums.org

I'm having some issues with getting a Swing Timer and a MouseListener to work together. What I have is basically a GUI that is regularly repainting to update game graphics, controlled by the Swing Timer, and a MouseListener that should register clicks and put a small circle (star) on the GUI wherever it's clicked. I'm using a Vector of Star objects ...

13. Thread v swing timer    java-forums.org

I have seen this distinction a lot and really don't get what it is. For doing simple animation in java swing, it seems accepted to use swing timer instead of threads. But what is the difference? If you use the ActionListener or ActionEvent, is that a thread? If anyone knows a good tutorial on this that would be good as well ...