Freeze « Thread « Java Swing Q&A

1. My GUI is frozen

I have something I can't understand: my Swing GUI contains a 'play' and 'pause' button. I have also a static variable that defines 'ON' and 'OFF' states. (The main program generates ...

2. JavaFX Threading issue - GUI freezing while method call ran

I hoped someone might be able to help as I'm a little stumped. I have a javafx class which runs a user interface, which includes a button to read some text ...

3. Java GUI, need to pause a method without freezing GUI aswell

I know that this problem is caused by the sleep or wait calling on the main thread and that the answer on how to solve this will be to put the ...

4. Best way to implement game loop without freezing UI thread

I'm trying to make a simple 2D game in Java. So far I have a JFrame, with a menubar, and a class which extends JPanel and overrides it's paint method. Now, I ...

5. Java Swing - UI Freezing

I'm doing some routine in Java (1.5)+Swing, that damands some time. How the best way to implement this routing outside the swing thread, to avoid UI freezing? Thanks in advance

6. Alternative to thread for small tasks without freezing the GUI

I'm writing a small application, composed by a gui and a couple of buttons. When the user clicks one of them, the program must download a webpage, do a couple of ...

7. java.lang.Thread.State: BLOCKED

i have my application that sometimes will freeze, without any error in console. I did a jstack, but i can't understand what appening and how to solve this bad situation :( Can ...

8. Java GUI Freezes even with SwingWorker

I'm trying to use a SwingWorker to perform a lengthy task and update a JLabel with the result:

button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) ...

9. Swing invokelater freeze

im calling invokeLater direcly from button on actionPerformed with this code:

private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
   SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

10. Java: Calling self-invoking method without freezing?

So this is really complicated, it took me a while to realize what's actually happening. Hopefully you understand it better than me though. I have a Swing class that displays the GUI. ...

11. Swing components freezing untill one component complete its job

I have created a simple JAVA Swing program that has a JTextArea, three JTextFields and one JButton. What this application does is when the user clicks the button it updates the ...

12. wait() and a freezing gui.

I have a button, when the button is pressed, it calls wait on a thread and the GUI freezes when that call is made and I'm not sure why. In the process of trying to figure out what is going on, I have replaced the actual thread with a simple thread that is nothing more then a while(true) loop and I ...

13. Wait for a thread without freezing GUI