Block « Thread « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to wait for object creation in EDT without blocking EDT?

I am using an API in a Java library which is called from the event dispatch thread and requires me to return a fully-initialized UI component. It looks like this:

public ...

2. Swing "blocking", I think I need to thread, but not sure how much

I have a little java app to effectively "tail" an arbitrary collection of files defined in an ini file. My "LogReader" class extends JFrame, and does the heavy lifting; reading the ...

3. Why does my GUI still hang even after using SwingUtilities.invokeLater?

I have this ActionListener that gets called in the EDT. My plot() function is computationally heavy, it can easily take five seconds. It made the GUI hang as expected. I added ...

4. Pattern for blocking Java Swing user in worker thread

As most Java programmers know, updates to Swing GUIs should only be done on the AWT event dispatching thread and the recommendation is that long-running processes be executed on a "worker" ...

5. Is there a way to block the main thread until a swingworker is done?

Possible Duplicate:
How do I wait for a SwingWorker's doInBackground() method?
I've read that its really bad practice to do this but I think its the ...

6. SwingWorker synchronized method queue blocking or what?

Theoretical question. If I have two SwingWorkers and an outputObject with method

public void synchronized outputToPane(String output)
If each SwingWorker has a loop in it as shown:
while(true) { 

8. How to wait on a Thread without blocking EDT?

Hello, I have a program with a GUI where I choose multiple files for copying/extracting. The code is as follows: for(File fileName:selectedFiles) { selectedFileNames.add(fileName.getAbsolutePath() ); commandDisplay.append("Extracting: " + selectedFileNames.get(counter) + " " + selectDirName + "\n"); String str = args + selectedFileNames.get(counter) + " " + selectDirName; System.out.println("Executed command: "+ str + "\n"); Runnable run = new exec_class(args + selectedFileNames.get(counter) + ...