Animation « Thread « Java Swing Q&A

1. multithreading with java swing for a simple 2d animation

my final goal for this application is to animate several items in the same JPanel at a different speed using a thread for each item.the first part is done however the ...

2. Thread Vs javax.swing.Timer, controlling game animation in Java?

I have this very straight forward question regarding Thread and Timer classes in Java as a way of creating game animations. Which is better of the two? What are really the ...

3. How to pause / resume Java Threads

I am making a Tic Tac Toe Program in java because i am learning java and i thought a simple project would be a great place to start. This is my ...

4. Animation swingworker threading and timer

I must animate two graphs. Both graphs are related.
One graph display cartography of colour, and the other is diplaying a curve. I got values for the graph from a file. So i ...

5. How do I show a animated GIF image using a thread

I am trying to implement an image using the method below, so that when the send action is performed, the GIF image should show within a specified time(As implemented by the ...

6. thread animation problem

That wasnt supposed to happen. I've created a dialog that displays a status bar that is updated by a thread every 100 ms. Its just to show the user a msg (that is updated everytime the thread executes). This does work but the screen doesnt update immediately, and by the time the entire dialog is loaded the operation is on its ...

7. animation using threads dilemma

import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class FinalProject extends Applet implements Runnable { private int index = 0; int[] vert = {220,210,200,190,180}; private int sleep = 100; public void start() { index = 0; } public void paint(Graphics gr) { gr.drawRoundRect(55,50,60,60,80,80); gr.drawLine(15,150,160,150);//arms gr.drawLine(85,210,40,310);//legs gr.drawLine(85,210,130,310); gr.drawLine(85,110,85,210);//torso gr.drawLine(160,150,160,vert[index]); //yoyo string 160,200 gr.drawLine(15,150,15,vert[index]); //yoyo string 200 gr.drawRoundRect(8,vert[index],20,20,20,20);//yoyo gr.drawRoundRect(150,vert[index],20,20,20,20);//yoyo ++index; if(index == 4) index = 0; ...

8. How to pass variable back from thread for animation

Hello how do I pass a variable (ScrollX) back from a thread to animate a ball bouncing around on a Jpanel... The following code has everything working except I cannot figure out how to pass the position variable back to paintcomponent so when i repaint it does not move... Also the only way I could get the paintcomponent to work on ...