Format « Text Input « Java Swing Q&A

1. IllegalArgumentException in JFormattedTextField

I need to make custom text field which will format numeric values according to local way of formatting. So I've made a clas:

public class NumberTextField extends JFormattedTextField 
constructor looks this like:

2. How to change the format of a JFormattedTextField?

I know you can pass a format to JFormattedTextField constructor, but how would you change the formatter at runtime? For example I have a field that is supposed to be formated ...

3. JFormattedTextField Question

Hey guys, I was wondering if there is anyway I can set a JFormattedTextField to have an auto format of an email input. For example, When the user type ...

4. JFormattedTextField to format percent numbers?

I would like to format a float number as a percent-value with JFormattedTextField that allows inputs from 0 to 100 percent (converted to 0.0f-1.0f), always shows the percent sign and disallows ...

5. Using a DateFormatter with a JFormattedTextField

I am using a JFormattedTextField in combination with a DateFormatter. I've seen examples of this kind of text field using MaskFormatter in which a user can type in values and overwrite ...

6. JFormattedTextFields, DocumentListeners and Formatters

Yeah, I put some debug code in the focusGained() method to print out what was going on and the docChanged() is definitely firing as soon as the JFormattedTextField gets focus. I'm assuming some kind of validation is going on with the formatter that is causing the docChanged to get fired. Just haven't figured out where yet. These JFormattedTextFields seem to be ...

7. setText(String.format()) problem

8. Creating, Formatting & Printing a Document

Hi all, I want to be able to pull various items of data from a database, add a few graphics and then be able to print. I've read lots of stuff online and in past posts about this, but does anybody have any suggestions of where to start? Should I first make a GUI, display all the items in their correct ...

10. formatting text and password fields

I have some experience working with Java, but am very new to developing GUIs so I'm having a hard time getting things to do what I need them to. I'm trying to develop a simple GUI screen with a Login field and a password field, but the fields are not where I expect them to be on the panel, and they ...

11. Formatting HTMLDocument lists

I am using HTMLDocument to display some simple HTML in a JTextPane. I am also using a few simple CSS rules in the HTMLEditorKit style sheet. Changing the H1 font style, and changing the list bullet style work OK. I can't seem to change the indentation of a

    list though. Currently the list is displayed too far to the right ...

12. Setting the format of a JFormattedTextField

13. Seting the format of a JFormattedTextField in a new class.

} // end of Class later I create objects of the type Celda: Celda myCell; myCell = new Celda(); Everything works fine to exepcion of: NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(Locale.US); My question is: How can I assign the format of the new object to create, within the constructor of the class? or That I am doing wrong? Thanks form your help.

14. Effective format for dates in a JFormattedTextField

I normally try not to have users type in dates. If the user typing the separator is a problem, why not just have them use a calendar tool to pick out a date. I have used the one in SwingLabs (3rd party API). But I am sure there are others out there.