Position « Menu « Java Swing Q&A

1. Swing: Getting JPopupMenu's position    stackoverflow.com

I have trouble getting JPopupMenu's position. What I need is: to be able to right click on the work area, click some
menu item, and it would create an element "in place",

2. How do I position a notification (tray) icon context menu on Windows XP?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using C++ and Win32. I want my context menu and settings dialog to show up near the tray icon. I think I need the icon's coordinates to do that. Shell_NotifyIconGetRect wasn't available ...

3. Get upper left corner position of the JPopupMenu object    stackoverflow.com

I have a JPopupMenu object. Its behavior depends on its coordinates. How can I get its position relatively to its parent container?

4. Set JMenuBar position below JPanel    stackoverflow.com

I am working with a JDialog that is setUndecorated(true) and has a JPanel included to replace the default title bar. Currently there is an internal frame inside the JDialog which has ...

5. Incorrect position of a popup menu    coderanch.com

Hi, My app is displying a popup menu on a right-click but 1) if the frame is at the bottom of the screen then it is shown outside the screen. 2) if there is another window right below my app, the popup is displayed under the other window .. That's very user-friendly ... Can someone help ? Thx P-

6. Change position of JMenu.    coderanch.com