1. How to get screen position of a Swing element? stackoverflow.comhow do I get the actual screen position of an element, say a Button? If I use getBounds I get the position relative to the parent container, not the screen... ... |
2. Setting panel at center of screen by using layout stackoverflow.comI tried setting the position of child-panel at the center of parent-panel by using
But it's getting added at the middle of horizontal screen but vertically at top.
What do I ... |
3. How to achieve the following screen/layout in JAVA Swing stackoverflow.comHow to achieve this following kind of screen in java Swing -
4. Layout for touch screen application stackoverflow.comI have to develop a touch screen application based on swing for the GUI part. The application will have to be displayed on different screen, one 15" 4/3 screen and one 20". What ... |
5. Java null layout results in a blank screen stackoverflow.comWhen I try to use setLayout(null), I get a plain gray screen and none of my components are present. Do I need to give every component in ColorPanel an x, y ... |
6. Java Layout difference on identical screen resolutions stackoverflow.comI have two screens that are using the same resolution (1280x1024), but one of them has a refresh rate of 59.9 HZ, and the other one has a refresh rate of ... |
7. Screen Position coderanch.comOne way to do it is by calling the method that will return the screen size with current monitor settings. The method is in the window class so any frames or windows can use it. You can access from your main frame by Dimension wndSize = mainFrame.getToolkit().getScreenSize(); The method getToolkit() returns a Toolkit object that has many useful methods in it, ... |
8. positioning of JFrames on the Screen coderanch.comIn the main window I have an image. when I click on a point in that image, i have a JFrame pops up with a with an image which is the subimage of the orginal image, using the point selected (in the orginal) as the center of the subimage. Well right now the subimage in the new frame pops up on ... |
9. screen layouts on card coderanch.comI'm trying to write an application using card layouts. I'd like to be able to position the various fields on screen but I don't understand how to do this. Every item I add to the card just follows on from the last item accross the screen. A simple technique would be great. I'd also be quite happy to position things using ... |
10. GridBagLayout Manager ? How i create screen with the help of gridbaglayout? coderanch.comHI aLL,: Can anyone help me please ?how i can use the GridbagLaout and GridBagConstraints in the following code .Can any one create the code for the following screen with this manager for same look and feel ? code here...... import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Desktop; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import ... |