JLayeredPane « Layout « Java Swing Q&A

1. JLayeredPane: what's the functional difference between depth and position?    stackoverflow.com

I am working on a Connect Four game for a school Java project. I've got the 'how' of the JLayeredPane, and it is working as expected, but I'm not quite getting ...

2. How do I go about implementing a tray that appears on controls?    stackoverflow.com

I have a screen like so:

|___A____|                     |
|________| JComponent I am  ...

3. Using GridBagLayout in a JLayeredPane    stackoverflow.com

I am attempting to have a small floating "widget" of sorts in the top right of a JPanel. It's a fixed-size component - think of the compass in a google maps ...

4. GUI Problem - JLayeredPane with GridBagLayout    coderanch.com

The problem is the layered pane... if you want components to overlap each other, you aren't going to be able to use a regular layout manager. You're just going to have to do a setBounds() manually on every component. (Another problem is that you set the layout onto the SimpleLayers JFrame's content pane you are in the process of creating, and ...