1. Why is JFrame layout not the one I set? stackoverflow.comIf I set a layout on a
2. jframe component layout stackoverflow.comHow can I specify the location on JFrame that a component (JLabel specifically) is placed? I created a JFrame object and added a JLabel and a JList to the frame but ... |
3. setting layout of output windows in netbeans stackoverflow.comIs there a way to set the location of the output windows even before running.. My project has more than two forms , and i would like to display them in ... |
4. Position a Jpanel In the middle of a Jframe or Another Jpanel stackoverflow.comI am making a card game atm, and i want the card stack to be placed in the middle of a Jframe. Right now i have made the cardstack in a ... |
5. Java - JFrame, JPanel, Layout, and Clipping stackoverflow.comI have three questions/problems. (NOTE - I don't have enough reputation to post pics, so I linked them. And I needed to obfuscate them...) 1) I created a panel that holds my ... |
6. Java JFrame layout probelm stackoverflow.comThis is the problem, I have a class MainWindow that extends JFrame in one of the setup routines I set the layout of the class to a new CardLayout(). This all ... |
7. adding multiple jPanels to jFrame stackoverflow.comI want to add two jPanels to a JFrame side by side. the two boxes are jpanels and the outer box is a jframe |
8. How to add component at runtime on JFrame,JPanel have no Layout(null), stackoverflow.comI am using a JFrame and JPanel.JPanel.setLayout(null) Because i am using setBounds() to ser positions of different components at JFrame. Now i want to update my JFrame at RunTime. How can i do this ... |
9. Java Swing second JFrame layout fill the space? stackoverflow.comI've been learning to hand write Swing, and have been using the Sun Doc tutorials. I am using a GridLayout and on my first go it made all the buttons fill ... |
10. How to set position of objects in JFrame? stackoverflow.comI have Labels and JButtons i want to define the position in JFrame.
11. Battling microsoft for JFrame position coderanch.com |
12. JFrame positioning coderanch.comHi Alex, As Nathan has suggested that is the sol. Note that he has assumed that u r using AWT. In case u r using Swing then use JFrame and not frame. So perhaps it would be better to state what app. u r trying to develop. But still wondering why do u need to use frame to show as popup. ... |
13. GridBagLayout and JFrame coderanch.comThe soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ... |
14. a very little prick about JFrame name(or GridBagLayout) coderanch.comimport javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class proEntry extends JFrame { public proEntry(String frame_name) { setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints constraint=new GridBagConstraints(); JLabel pro_label=new JLabel("Provider : "); constraint.gridx=0; constraint.gridy=0; getContentPane().add(pro_label, constraint); JTextField pro_field=new JTextField(10); constraint.gridx=1; constraint.gridy=0; getContentPane().add(pro_field, constraint); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,100)); } public static void main(String[] args) { proEntry frame=new proEntry("Salayc Firma Girii"); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } |
15. GridBagLayout and multiple JPanel's on a single JFrame java-forums.org// adds a component to a panel private void addComponent(JPanel panel, Component component, int row, int column, int width, int height, GridBagLayout gbl, GridBagConstraints gbc) { gbc.gridx = column; gbc.gridy = row; gbc.gridwidth = width; gbc.gridheight = height; gbl.setConstraints(component, gbc); panel.add(component); } private void addPanel1Components() { GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); pSoft.setLayout(gbl); addComponent(Panel1, lblName, 0, 0, ... |
16. GridBagLayout and JFrames/JPanels! java-forums.org |
17. JFrame Layout java-forums.orgHi I have a problem with my cuurent project. Using GUI, I have an interface that has 3 sections: 1. Upper tab that has to be card layout. 2. Board GUI that has to be Grid Layout. 3. Left tab that also has to be Box Layout. All these 3 sections must be in 1 interface. I actually have decided to ... |
18. Re: Whats the correct way to layout a JFrame forums.oracle.comHi, I am fairly new to Java and have just started to put together my first big application. Its a simple application written in Swing where the user is first shown a login screen, when he presses the login button and is taken to another screen where he/she is asked 10 questions and then when they finish this they are taken ... |
19. Help using componentAt() in a JFrame with GridLayout forums.oracle.comI have a 13x7 JFrame with layout GridLayout. I add several components. When the user clicks on any point inside the frame, I would like to retrieve the component that has been clicked. The code for example, goes like this: JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(13,7)); //code to fill frame with components frame.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) { Component ... |