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1. Starting GridBagLayout from top left corner in Java Swing

I'm new to Java Swing and I have been struggling to start the GridBagLayout from top left corner so that c.gridx=0 c.gridy=0 will put my object on the top left corner. I'd ...

2. Why does GridBagLayout center my components instead of putting it in the corner?

So far I managed to avoid using the GridBagLayout (by hand code) as much as possible, but I could not avoid it this time and I am reading the SUN's tutorial ...

3. position ImageItem on top right corner of screen

I am having issues with adding an Image to a screen, I have the following code:

  try {
    Image cima = Image.createImage("/resources/cross.png");
  } catch (IOException ex){

4. Java GridLayout is laying out all my JPanels in the top left corner

SOLVED: Just found out what the problem was, after trying to make an SSCCE. It had to do with my cell class, I didn't realise I was overriding getX() and getY() from the ...