1. How can I best lay out these components in Swing? stackoverflow.comWhat would be the best approach / LayoutManager for a JPanel that needed to display the components shown in the image? (Note that the fields should resize horizontally when the size of ... |
2. Swing: What is a good way to implement fully-scalable components? stackoverflow.comI am creating an application which has a scrollable and scalable (zoomable) view. Inside this view I want to place other components (most of them customized |
3. JPanel's child components paint/layout problem stackoverflow.comI'm having a problem that when my frame is shown (after a login dialog) the buttons are not on correct position, then in some miliseconds they go to the right position ... |
4. Laying ot components in Java Swing stackoverflow.comOh hay there, didn't see you. I was wondering if there is a better, more efficient way of formatting the labels, panels, and buttons in java then what I have done ... |
5. Need help positioning Java GUI Components for Lab stackoverflow.comI'm currently enrolled in a Client/Server Programming class (i.e. Java 2) in college. For our first lab assignment, we're being asked to create a simple GUI to emulate a basic instant ... |
6. Java Swing: component that resizes itself but doesn't influence the layout stackoverflow.comI'll try to explain my problem as simply as possible but it's a tricky topic and people who haven't encountered the issue probably won't know what I'm talking about. I want to ... |
7. Swing Layout: Prevent my components from moving around stackoverflow.comI'm coming from a Opengl project and I need to be able to place elements on my screen and that they stay there. I'm creating an applet that is the same size ... |
8. GridBagLayout not placing components at page start stackoverflow.com
9. Java - Is it possible to have two components on the same side with GridLayout? stackoverflow.com
10. Java Swing and Component Positioning stackoverflow.comI am creating a base class for the JFrames of my application. I would like to inject a JXSearchField in the top right and corner of all frames that inherit ... |
11. Swing: Is there a simple way to make 1 component ignore the layout manager? stackoverflow.comI have a JPanel with one component that I want to place in an absolute sense, whereas the rest of the components are placed according to a layout manager. Is there a ... |
12. Making a component take a only a specific fraction of space (like 2/3 or 9/10) stackoverflow.comUsing layouts for me results in so much frustration that I end up using an absolute layout and then scaling the components manually. Let's say I have a TextArea, and I want ... |
13. how to prevent form designer to generate a layout to JPanel components? forums.netbeans.orgHi there, I extended a JPanel to make my component, and in the constructor of my component I set a specific layout to manage the other components in it. When I ... |
14. ajusting position of gui components forums.netbeans.orgHello I have a problem regarding adjusting the position of gui components in gui builder. Once I drag and drop a new item, sometimes the order of the previous components changes randomly. How can I overcome this problem so I can make the position of each component does not change when I insert a new component. Thanks |
15. Setting components in GridBagLayout coderanch.comHello. I wrote a simple JFrame that would display three components using the GridBagLayout. However, I have two problems: * Even though I have a setSize(300, 300), the Frame that appears is really small (like 10 x 10 px). I have to resize it manually to see the components * If I type anything in the TextAreas, they grow in size. ... |
16. GridBagLayout... Components always centered vertically? coderanch.comI have a panel, in it a few components. I've gotten the components inside the panel to line up just how I want them. But when I add the panel to the frame at location 0,0 (Should be Top Left) its still centered vertically on the frame. Why is this? I just want my components to start out in the top ... |
17. GridBagLayout components are centered coderanch.comHi all. I should begin by letting you know that i am fairly new to swing, so please forgive my lack of knowledge. Here's my problem. Im trying to create a GUI with multiple panels. I've created a root panel or contentPanel for all other panel to be placed onto. At the top of this panel, occupying 1/3 of the screen ... |
18. Components are centered while using GridBagLayout coderanch.com |
19. A challenge in components layout coderanch.comA combination of BorderLayout and no explicitly defined preferred size usually gives the desired results. That's correct maneesh & thanks for that. In my case I'm a painting a rectangle bar along a line(using g.drawLine) inside the panel, whose size should also change when I do mouse drag or mouse click, which is not happening now(which was not happening earlier also ... |
20. Component number inside GridLayout. coderanch.com |
21. How to set component position in GridBagLayout JPanel ? coderanch.comGridBag is a nightmare's nightmare. I agree it is good to learn the layout managers to make you a better programmer. Just know that GridBag produces a nasty mess of code. Constraints upon constraints. The layout really encourages object bloat. Panels within panels. Mig is really a breath of fresh air. I just rewrote all my gridbag code in mig. There's ... |
22. Problem with GridBagLayout Manager while adding any component coderanch.comimport javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class GridPaneChecker extends JFrame{ public GridPaneChecker() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub setSize(400,500); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel pane = new JPanel(); pane.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); add(pane); /*pane.add(new JLabel("ABHISHEK"),new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, java.awt.GridBagConstraints.EAST, java.awt.GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE, new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2), 0, 0));*/ pane.add(new JLabel("NUUUUUUUUU")); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated ... |
23. Rotating Component Contents From Layout Manager coderanch.com |
24. question about positioning a component (GUI) coderanch.comHi, I know this is not the GUI forum but i believe this question fits better in the beginning forum(I think;) ) I have created a GUI that moves it's position when one of the buttons is pushed ("R" right ,"L" left, "U"up ,and "D" down). My first try was written like this currentPositionH = getX(); currentPositionW = getY(); public class ... |
25. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal component position coderanch.comHello : ) I am in the process of writing a GUI and keep running into an error that I can't seem to get rid of. I still have to add various listeners to make it work, but right now I'm simply trying to make the GUI show up and look the way I want it to. The error I keep ... |
26. Adding a custom component to a layout? coderanch.comWhen drawing I am using the getButtonShape() method which returns the Polygon that is supposed to be the Shape of the button. I am guessing that my Graphics is automatically drawing the Polygon at the x- and y-coordinates that I have in the Polygon, do you think there is a way to make the coordinates change according to the Layout so ... |
27. Component layout (Revised) coderanch.com |
28. Positioning components coderanch.comHi all. I've read a couple of beginner books on Java - but I'm still a novice. After writing several programs contained in the books, I decided to tackle converting a very simple VB6 program into a Java applet that I can embed in a web page on my server. The VB6 program is something I wrote for a buddy several ... |
29. Layout problem / add components from another class java-forums.orgIn a class Window extends JFrame i have a public static JPanel southPanel with a FlowLayout. If i add a JLabel label1 to the southPanel from the Window class, it will be positioned right in the middle of the Jpanel according to the FlowLayout. But if i add a JLabel label2 from another class (Window.southPanel.add(label2)), then it will be positionned at ... |
30. Help needed in layout of components java-forums.orgimport javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; public class FirstSwing implements ActionListener { JButton button; public void go() { JFrame frame=new JFrame(); frame.setTitle("IWCn"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (); Dimension size = toolkit.getScreenSize(); frame.setSize(size.width, size.height-28); frame.setLocation(0,0); Icon icon = new ImageIcon("C:/Users/Shilpa/Desktop/iwcn.png"); JLabel iwcn= new JLabel(icon); frame.getContentPane().add(iwcn,BorderLayout.NORTH); JPanel panel=new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); JLabel userName=new JLabel("Username : "); panel.add(userName); JTextField field = new ... |
31. Package layout problems trying to make a new Swing component. java-forums.orgThe basic background info: I copied the JSlider code from the OpenJDK repo (note that I am running the Sun packages, because this is a windows machine), and created a new component, and UI L&F class for it, by renaming the JSlider code and making some tweaks. I set its package to javax.swing, and the L&F classes to be in the ... |
32. Prevent re-arrangement of component's position if some are invisible. java-forums.orgHello, When making a dice game, I used a JPanel on which I placed 7 disabled radio buttons. Like this: +--------------+ |_O___________O| |______________| |_O____O______O| |______________| |_O___________O| +--------------+ (I'm not sure how to display it with a courrier new font in this message). My plan was for example if I roll a 1, I hide all radio buttons except the center one. ... |
33. Complex Multilayer Component Layout java-forums.orgthe JScrollerPane is in javax.swing.* I don't think I explained it very well. I really need to resize the JScrollPane when the entire window (client?) is resized. This should take care of the problem I mentioned. Do I need to loop down through the controlls on each component to do this? Are there any examples of traversing a lot of component ... |
34. Components Layout in a JPanel java-forums.orgHi, Could someone tell me how to assign a specfic layout to each component in a Panel? For example, if I want to display something as follows using Box class: .....Name...... [..............] [ ...... ] age [ ...... ] ID Where the brackets are the textfields and dots are spaces. Which methods are out there to change to this layout? Can ... |
35. Layout components in a JPanel forums.oracle.comHello, I'm trying to fix 6 small JPanels into a bigger JPanel. I'd like to order the smaller ones from the bottom to the top inside the bigger one (vertical position) Is it possible? Laying out the bigger JPanel with a BoxLayout i can do this but from the top to the bottom, i'd like to do it from the bottom ... |
36. Equal-sized components on GridLayout forums.oracle.comYou probably don't want to work with the GridLayout, then. That's the idea of a grid layout. Other choices you mgiht want to look into that give you more flexibility: GridBag (moderately difficult to learn and use, but very powerful) SpringLayout (very difficult to learn and use, but able to do almost anything). - Adam |
37. swing components positioning forums.oracle.com |
38. Swing Components Layout forums.oracle.comOk, basically what I want to do is have a few buttons on the bottom of a jframe, and a blank jpanel up top for graphics2d to work on. What I have been doing is using a borderlayout, including the jpanel in the NORTH attribute, and another jpanel containing the buttons in the SOUTH. Problem is no blank jpanel is showing ... |
39. adding components to a gridlayout out of oder? forums.oracle.comI am currently making a simple black jack game using simple GUI components discussed in my computer science class. Each player in the game has their on JPanel, with a gridLayout of 3, 1. The top cell is just a JLabel containing their name. the middle cell is a new JPanel that will contain their card images. And the last cell ... |
40. positioning of GUI components forums.oracle.coma question for the java veterans out there, i am a student of programming and i wish to learn how to place/position GUI components in java by hard coding it. Is there any trick/technique that this could be done easily? I don't want to rely on netbeans's GUI maker to make my programs's GUI for the rest of my life. any ... |