Center « Layout « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java layout manager vertical center

I have panel that is using group layout to organize some label. I want to keep this panel center of the screen when re sized. If i put the panel inside ...

2. How to push GridbagLayout not to lay components in the center of JPanel

the problem is in centered layout of components, GridBagLayout always 'sits' in center of JPanel, so I don't care how it will layout components inside, my problem is where these components ...

3. How did I center a jpanel in a jpanel with netbeans?

With Netbeans I've succeded center a jpanel with fixed size, within an other jpanel. Now I can't repeat it - only copy it. How did I do? (or should I do to ...

4. Align one component right and several others dead center

I need to layout several components using nothing but standard Swing layout managers or Mig. I have a control similar to that of a media players track bar & control buttons (i.e. ...

5. How to correct/center GridLayout using standard Java layout managers?

The below code represents the problem. Since I have heights of the north and south panels set the rest of it goes to the center panel using GridLayout. I think that ...

6. How to set a proper layout

I want to set the layout as the following: 1 column and 5 rows and in the center. I tried using GridLayout(5,0) but it remains in the left, any suggestions how to ...

7. best layout to center component...

10. Center position of JFrame