Select « JTree « Java Swing Q&A

1. JTree selection

I have a JTree which is 5 level deep, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 levels. I am interested in level 1's informaton, value or index. is it possible to immediately get ...

2. Java Issue with Tree Selection

In my program, I have 2 JTrees and there is a common treeselection listener for both. The problem happens when I select a node in the first tree and then immediately ...

3. Java Tree Node selection

I have a tree and a TreePath to one of its nodes. How do I programatically select this node? Will setSelectionPath of the JTree object alone work?

4. How to implement a tiered "selection tree" in Swing? (Or: is there an existing implementation?)

I need a Swing component that will let me display a tree-structured list of items, and allow the user to select or de-select an arbitrary subset of those items, with the ...

5. Java: How to select all descendants of a given ancestor on the Jtree?

I would like to select an ancestor DefaultMutableTreeNode and get all descendant DefaultMutableTreeNode of this ancestor in the JTree. I am using TreeSelectionListener to catch selection event on the current JTree. Basically, ...

6. jtree programmatic multi selection

Is there an ability to select multiple tree nodes in JTree programmatically? I've set multiselection mode by tree.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(TreeSelectionModel.DISCONTIGUOUS_TREE_SELECTION); And all I need - make my application be able to select some nodes programmatically. ...

7. JTree: Selecting all nodes programatically

I have a Jtree, and 2 buttons to select and unselect all nodes. I made an attempt like this:

selectAll = new JButton("Select all");
selectAll.addActionListener(new ActionListener (){

8. Linking tree node selection with another object (JPanel)

I am trying to make simple Setting GUI in Java (IDE Eclipse). On the left is JTree (7 nodes), on the right is layeredPane with 7 panels (JPanel). I want to ...

9. How do I pass information from a multi-selection JTree?

I am writing a program that will print information based on selections in a JTree. Multi-selection is enabled, but I haven't been able to figure out how to find out which ...

10. Adding selected tree nodes to a JLIST

11. Preserving selections in JTree

12. JTree - getting at selected node

13. JTree: Selected moved to top

14. x-y position of JTree Selection

hi Ben, yes, I can pick up the position of the cursor whenever it is cicked, but then what happens is I have to discard it if it did not represent a change in selected item (e.g. they just clicked to expand or collapse a branch).... alas, the tree changed event doesn't give me x-y position, and the mouse events can't ...

16. Node selection problem in JTree

17. JTree Node Selection

Hi, I am having a JTree. In this jtree, i am having various levels of node. Take for example,my jtree contains structure like this.... Computer(Top Root Node) >> Languages (first child node) >> Java (node under Languages) >> C ++ (node under Languages) >> C (node under Languages) >> OS (Second Child Node) >> Windows (node under OS) >> Unix (node ...

18. How to get selected tree nodes not in selected order?

By default, JTree has a method call getSelectionPaths()which returns a treePath array of all selected nodes in selection order. For example. I have a tree and there are 5 leaf nodes and the order is nodeA nodeB nodeC nodeD nodeE if I select nodeE first then select nodeA, I will get nodeE's path first, then nodeA's path if I call getSelectionPaths(). ...

19. jtree - get/set previous selection

hi, the simplest way would be to use a flag that tells you when you are adjusting the setting: private boolean setOldSelection = false; public void valueChanged { if (!setOldSelection) { // more code in valueChanged! JTree jtree = (JTree)event.getSource(); if(f_IsAddTempNode) { setOldSelection = true; TreePath oldPath = event.getOldLeadSelectionPath(); EuamDefaultMutableTreeNode node = (EuamDefaultMutableTreeNode)oldPath.getLastPathComponent(); setTreeSelection(jtree, node); setOldSelection = false; return; } // ...

20. Selecting JTree node

21. Node Selection in JTree

22. lazy computations on tree selection

i am showing properties of node in the right hand side on tree selection. what i did is i implemented tree selection listener and updating the properties.It works very well. performance improvements: what happened in previous case is: if user selects different nodes in tree rapidly.It just tries to fetch information for each node.I want to show properties of last node ...

23. selecting a JTree node programmatically

public void createLeafNode() { jTree1.repaint(); if(path == null) return; jTree1.setSelectionPath(path); //SelectionListener.valueChanged(new TreeSelectionEvent(jTree1, path, true, oldLeadPath, newLeadPath)); //System.out.println("path is: " + path.toString()); DefaultTreeNode parent = getTreeNode(path); //System.out.println("parent is " + parent.toString()); //Create the child node IconData idata = new IconData(ICON_LEAF, new FileNode(new SpecialFile(ref.FileOpen))); DefaultTreeNode node = new DefaultTreeNode(idata); parent.add(node); //Tell the JTree that the tree structure has changed jTree1.nodeStructureChanged(parent); path = path.pathByAddingChild(node); ...

24. Getting ALL selected nodes from JTree?

25. Cancelling selection in JTree

When a user changes a selection in a tree and selects another node, I need to perform a validation. If not validated, I should cancel the selection of the new node and retain the selection on the old node. Is there any way I can cancel a node selection that is made? I do not want to select back the old ...

26. JTree node selection

Hello Super Dev Here is the code. jTree1.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { jTree1_valueChanged(e); } }); ... ... ... private void jTree1_valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { System.out.println("\njTree1_valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) called."); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)jTree1.getLastSelectedPathComponent(); if(node == null) return; Object o = node.getUserObject(); System.out.println(">>" + ((o==null)? "null" : o.toString()) + " is selected."); // TODO: Add any handling code here for the particular ...

27. Selecting JTree Nodes

Problem I am trying to select a specific tree node in a jtree and display some data that is related to that node. What I have done- myTree.addMouseListener(this); //added the listener to the tree in the frame . public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){ if(e.getButton()==3) { //is a right click int setRow = myTree.getRowForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY()); if(setRow > 0 ) { //it ...

28. JTree - explicitly select a node

my help interface consists of a split pane with a jtree on the left and a jeditorpane on the right. clicking on a node in the tree heirarchy loads the relevant page into the editorpane ive added a toolbar that lets you move back and forward through your visited page history (similar to ie). the problem is the last node selected ...

29. JTree Node selection

ok in that event if i wanna get the path of tht node how to get that.. I used Treepath path=jtree.getSelectionPath(). It gives a list as [/home/jack, /home/jack/.bashrc]. when i select /home/jack/.bashrc. So i just want to acces the .bashrc path.. how to pass it as an URL to the jtextPane.setPage(URL) as the parameter. Thank you Regards


31. JTree Selection Customization

I have implemented a DragAndDrop tree and want to control when treeSelection events get fired. My tree allows selection of multiple nodes, you can ctrl+click on multiple nodes and they will all appear as selected. Single clicking on any of the selected nodes will change the selection to be just that node. I would like to change this so that a ...

32. how do I get the current node selection in a Jtree?

Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to access the current node in a JTree. I have a main class where the tree is defined. When the add button is pressed, the add method from another class is to be invoked. But the listener is defined in the main class, how do I pass the variable to this other ...

33. Node selection in JTree stops working

35. Select a node in Jtree

I have a text box and when the user enters the value and click the "Search Button", the value needs to be searched in the Jtree and need to highlight the node. m_searchButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { DefaultTreeModel m_model = new DefaultTreeModel(Root); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = searchNode(m_searchText.getText()); //Searching the tree to math the given string JTree m_tree = new ...

36. JTree Multi-Select

I have a requirement to enable a multi select capability on a JTree. This is pretty easy to do with the DISCONTIGUOUS_TREE_SELECTION constant. The challenge with the requirement is that the user should not be allowed to multi select both parent and child nodes. Either all parent or all child nodes. JTree is a complicated component and I'm not sure how ...

37. Node selection in jtree

I have created a tree.Now,i want to get co-ordinates or the location of all visible node when expanded...I tried to get the count of all nodes of only selected node and also the co-ordinates...But i don't know how to take all the co-ordinates of the visible nodes...Can anyone help me... Java Code: /* * To change this template, choose Tools | ...

38. Adding childnode to programmicly selected node in JTree

text1 = new JTextField(2); text2 = new JTextField("Not in use"); text3 = new JTextField("Not in use"); text4 = new JTextField("Not in use"); b1 = new JButton("tree.setSelectionRow(row)"); b2 = new JButton("TreePath object = tree.getSelectionPath()"); b3 = new JButton("node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent()"); b4 = new JButton("ADD A CHILD TO SELECTED NODE"); b1.addActionListener(this); b2.addActionListener(this); b3.addActionListener(this); b4.addActionListener(this);

39. How to set selected JTree from outside?

40. set selection on specific node of JTree