Node « JTree « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java tree node details

I have built a tree using JTree and I want to obtain the node details(like they appear in the frame drawn here).

2. Java JTree - How to check if node is displayed?

Looking for how to traverse a JTree (can do that) and check to see each node to see if it's displayed (to the user) or not visible. Can't believe JTree doesn't ...

3. JTree - Issues with adding of nodes

Im developing a system that stores courses that participants can apply to. I'm presenting the enrollments in a JTree in the courseadministratorGUI. My problem is that, for every enrollment it's adding a new ...

4. JTree node Rename

I am using a JTree and in this to raname a JTree node I am using right click(Rename through popup) or F2 key or double click. But problem is : when ...

5. How do you move nodes in a JTree?

I've got a JTree with a custom model which extends DefaultTreeModel. I need to be able to move a node from one branch to a different branch without losing the selection.
Currently, ...

6. manipulate jtree node via references seems not working (swing)

I have the following problem (this is related to my post blink a tree node):
I have a custom cell renderer.
In some part of my code I create a new DefaultMutableTreeNode ...

7. Getting a node in JTree

Simple question. I have a TreePath to a node in my JTree. How can I convert this TreePath to the DefaultMutableTreeNode the TreePath points too?

8. Change name of node in JTree

I am trying to change the name of a node in my JTree. I use the following code to do so:

     * Change ...

9. make a duplicate node in Jtree

i want to make a duplicate node in Jtree but the code is not working inside mouse action listener....

/* DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent();
      def obj = ...

10. Change the handle of the displayed node programmatically

I have this tree displaying the file structure, I have folders and files. Some folders are not accessible and I am disabling them (they appear as grayed out in the UI) ...

11. Problem with renaming a node in jtree

I create a Jtree that all of its nodes have User object, I fill user object by ItemInfo class, Not my problem is with renaming one node, I can edit my ...

12. Jtree not shown on adding a node!

I have a static jtree in a scrollpane. And now iam trying to add child to jtree, it got added successfully. Now, the added node is not visible in the jtree. Try ...

13. Indexing JTree nodes

I would like to create an index (1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 etc.) for each node of a JTree at the time of adding the new node, i.e.

 ---1 node
 ---2 node

14. Renaming the JTree Node Manually in Java

I have created a jtree with the root node "RootNode" and some other nodes like "Node1","Node2", Node3". After creation of tree I want to rename the rootnode or any other node by ...

15. Adding custom propery to a JTree node

I need to store some data in a JTree node. Is it possible to add a custom property to a node to hold my data?

16. JTree Node Names / Group names are not visible

I've written a JTree with couple of nodes. When I launch the program, I only see the node icons like folder or file and not the names associated with them. I ...

17. JTree Node Information

18. Display Nodes Using JTree

19. Display Nodes Using JTree

20. New node in JTree not visible

I've spent ages on this problem but to no avail. Hopefully, one of you guys can help me. I want to allow users to add a node to a JTree. I'm simulating this by using a button that looks at the current selection and adds a new node to it like this - parentNode.add( childNode ); where parentNode and childNodes are ...

21. Mapping Keys to nodes in JTree

Hi, I am developing a Chat application. In this the users are shown in a tree.How do i map keys to these nodes such that when i press a key, focus goes to the node that begins with that letter. For instance, if i press 'J', focus should go to the node which starts with 'J'( Joseph for instance). If there ...

22. Deselecting JTree nodes

Thanks for your reply. I also got the path of the node selected by using the method of the TreeSelectionEvent class, isAddedPath. This returns false if the node was deselected. I now have a new problem... Hopefuly someone will know a solution. Say for example I have 2 nodes in my tree selected, and then I select another without pressing the ...

23. Urgent - Disable JTree node

24. Alphabetical Nodes in JTree

25. Renaming JTree nodes

I have a tree here where nodes are objects. How I can make a feature that allows user to rename those objects without getting any exceptions? Now it is basically something like this: user doubleclicks a node and then it is editable but after pressed enter and name changed and altered node is selected again, an exception occurs :| I need ...

26. Jtree adding nodes

28. JTree Node Display problem

hi I'm facing a problem with the display of the JTree nodes. To display the child nodes of a node, we click the '+' symbol near it. Now my problem is that if a node which is allowed to have child nodes is shown, the '+' symbol appears even if it has no children at present. How do I change this ...

29. make node blink in jtree

Here's a short example... import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer; public class BlinkenTree extends JTree implements Runnable { private Thread blinkThread; private boolean blinking = false; public BlinkenTree() { super(); setCellRenderer( new BlinkenRenderer() ); blinkThread = new Thread( this ); blinkThread.start(); } public void blink( ...

30. jtree - check node visiblity

31. disable node of jtree

32. jtree to disable it

Hi, I have a Jtree and I want to prevent user selecting some nodes of this tree.I did this by adding a TreeSelectionListner to the tree and then in the value changed method of this listner ,I checked the current node is the node that I dont want user to select,I used the method removeSelectionPath(TreePath tp). In my approach what i ...

33. Moving of Nodes in JTree

Hi, I am implementing an application for which we are using JTree.We are creating folders for each node of the JTree and i am implementing the functionalities like Creation of new folders,retrieving of files from Disk using FileChooser,Deletion and renaming of folders also but i got stuck when i am trying to move the folders from one parent to other.Can some ...

36. Labeling JTree nodes

root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( "Requirements" ); treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(root); tree = new JTree(treeModel); tree.setEditable(true); tree.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode (TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION); tree.setShowsRootHandles(true); //for each test object add a new tree node for( int i = 0; i < reqControl.getSize(); i++ ) { Requirement thisReq = reqControl.getRequirement( i ); String name = thisReq.getName(); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( name ); node.setUserObject( thisReq ); root.add( node ); ...

37. Problem in adding node to JTree

Is it possible that the node that you're calling isLeaf() on is the correct one?? I don't think it should return true always--that would be pretty useless. However, to help you figure things out, you may want to try getChildCount() to make sure that it really is a leaf. My guess is that you are incorrectly calling these functions on the ...

38. ToolTipText's on each node of JTree

I am actually going to answer both your icons and tooltip questions in the one post. Because you will handle all this in a custom leaf renderer. Here is the code I used to do what you want to do. You will of course need to modify this to suit your needs. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //This is the Cell Renderer for my Ticket ...

39. Getting children of node in JTree?

40. Adding Nodes to a tree

See if this makes sense for a tree with one boss, two managers and four workers. private DefaultMutableTreeNode buildTreeNodes() { DefaultMutableTreeNode boss, manager; boss= new DefaultMutableTreeNode("George"); boss.add( manager = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Dick") ); manager.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Dave") ); manager.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Joan") ); boss.add( manager = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Renita") ); manager.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Sam") ); manager.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Mary") ); return boss; } I took a slightly ...

41. JTree - Duplicate Node Name Problem

Hi Ranchers, I am encountering a peculiar problem; I have 2 nodes (DefaultMutableTreeNodes) with same name along 2 different Tree paths... say: path 1: root-> 11 -> 21 -> dir1 path 2: root-> dir1 The way user enters input is: root/11/21/dir1 or root/dir1 and appropriate treepath should be highlighted in JTree I am using node.getPath() and hence the first path from ...

42. JTree: Setting node to be a JPanel

import java.awt.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; public class TreePanel { Random seed; public TreePanel() { seed = new Random(); // south section final JLabel colorLabel = new JLabel(); colorLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); Dimension d = colorLabel.getPreferredSize(); d.height = 25; colorLabel.setPreferredSize(d); // center section JTree tree = createTree(); tree.setCellRenderer(new PanelRenderer()); tree.getSelectionModel().addTreeSelectionListener( new TreeSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { TreePath path ...

43. JTree how to deselect a node

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; public class Coordination { String[] birds = { // branches |<-- child leaf nodes -->| "hawks", "gray", "red-tailed", "rough-legged", "falcons", "harrier", "kestrel", "kite", "owls", "barred", "saw-whet", "snowy" }; String[] planes = { "fighter", "f-14", "f-15", "f-18", "cargo", "c-130", "c-141", "c-5", "bomber", "b-52", "b-1", "b-2", }; public Coordination() { TreePanel panelOne = ...

44. JTree node problem

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

45. JTree nodes and AbstractActions

46. make certain JTree nodes uneditable

hello, PART 1: i am using the classes found on this webpage i want a user to be able to modify any folder on his/her system except for system dependant folders such as WINDOWS and Documents And Settings. I think Windows will not allow this anyway, but I still would like these and maybe other nodes to not be editable. ...

47. Adding different popupmenus to different jtree nodes

I am new to swing and I would like to add different popupmenus for different nodes of a tree. Can we do this using tree mouse listeners or tree model listeners ? I've an application which constructs a jtree initially. Once the jtree is created, I am adding a custom mouse listener to jtree. In my custom mouse listener if the ...

48. deletion of Node in JTree

49. To get a JTree current node

50. control the visiblity of a tree table node

In the case of the TreeTable, nodes are also rows in the table... Rather than thinking of this as "make[ing] the node in that tree table appear/disappear", think of it more as "filtering the data in my TreeTable". I think the best approach is probably going to be to make a wrapper for the model that your TreeTable uses and filter ...

51. JTree - Compare Nodes problem

Hi everyone, I am making a program that displays the contents of a JAR file in a JTree. The contents of the JAR are returned as an Enumeration and each name has the full path of the file. Here is an example: tree name string +-folder1 | +-file1.txt folder1/file1.txt +-folder2 +-folder3 | +-file2.txt folder2/folder3/file2.txt | +-file3.txt folder2/folder3/file3.txt +-file4.txt folder2/file4.txt The problem ...

52. Binding JTree Node to JTextField

Originally posted by Rob Prime: Perhaps the observer pattern may help you? The object can be an observable, and both the node and the text field will be the observers. This is actually why I hate Sun's approach to this pattern. Observable is not an interface but a regular class. They should have made it an interface and created an abstract ...

53. Jtree change a node

Hey, I am writing a program that display a Jtree and in doing so i would like to change the name of the node from file to a string. The reason i make it a file in the first place is so that it give me the folder icon if it is a directory etc.. The problem is i don t ...

55. JTree - programmatically control adding nodes

I have read meny tutorials and crossed almost all examples in "Core Java 2 Vol 2", "Java Swing 2nd edition" and some others, but I couldn't find the solution for this: I have a JTree looking something like this: Student Groups Group 1 Student 1 ...

57. JTree closing all nodes

58. JTree node names not visible

59. Nodes displayed in JTree

Java Code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import*; public class MyTree extends JFrame implements ActionListener{ File[] rt; File drive; private DefaultComboBoxModel comboModel; MyTreeModel model; File root = null; JTree tree; public MyTree() { initComponents(); } public void initComponents() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); panelB = new javax.swing.JPanel(); panelB.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); comboModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(); selectDrive = new JComboBox(comboModel); rt=File.listRoots(); ...

60. Multiple components as one node in JTree

Hi there, I want to customize the nodes of a JTree. I've seen lots and lots of examples how to modify JTables and how to add checkboxes to JTrees (incredibly popular as it seems) but that's not enough for my problem. Getting a model to represent the structure of my data is not hard by deriving a custom class from DefaultMutableTreeNode ...

61. action to a node in a jtree

62. Netbeans: Add nodes to JTree?

package javaapplication1; public class testframe extends javax.swing.JFrame { [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="4"]public static DefaultMutableTreeNode helloWorldText = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("HelloWorld");[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] public testframe() { initComponents(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void initComponents() { [SIZE="1"] jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); jTree1 = new javax.swing.JTree(); setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jScrollPane1.setViewportView(jTree1); org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout layout = new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout(getContentPane()); getContentPane().setLayout(layout); layout.setHorizontalGroup( layout.createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING) .add(layout.createSequentialGroup() .addContainerGap() .add(jScrollPane1, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 360, Short.MAX_VALUE) .addContainerGap()) ); layout.setVerticalGroup( layout.createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING) .add(layout.createSequentialGroup() .addContainerGap() .add(jScrollPane1, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 275, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE) .addContainerGap(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, ...

63. Pop up window for nodes in JTree

Hi,I am new to Java and my first assignment is to create a tree structure which I have been able to do .Now my task is to add fuctionality so that whenever user moves mouse over tree node, a window pops up carrying information about that node. Please guide me how to achieve this.

64. Disable Shift-Delete cut on JTree with custom nodes

Sorry I can't really post code to look at, as our project is quite large. We have a JTree which contains non-mutable root nodes. These root nodes contain custom mutable nodes called ResNode, which extend DefaultMutableTreeNode and need to be drag-and-drop enabled, which means: ResNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode implements Transferable which introduces DataFlavors. Basically, we only want ResNodes to stay within our ...

65. JTree node reference to a JPanel

66. No way of referencing nodes on a JTree

Hello, I have an SQL database that I pull team names, unique team IDs, peoples names from each team and their unique IDs I'd like to display just the team names and people in a JTree which is straightforward. My problem comes when I need to associate which node a user has clicked on in relation to the unique ID number. ...

67. JTree node not displayed

DefaultMutableTreeNode SubNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("SubNode",true); Tralala.add(SubNode); Yet, if I move the TreeModel OurStuff = new DefaultTreeModel(Trilili,true); TheTree.setModel(OurStuff); lines at the end of my code, the nodes are being displayed at all (I don't mean unfolded). Does it mean I have to recreate a TreeModel each time I modify the structure of my JTree? Please don't send me to How to use ...

68. No idea how to reference nodes in a JTree

Generally, I'd say, a displayed tree is only likely to be useful if there's some kind of underlying data structure behind it. In general different levels of the tree represent different classes of object. So, generally, it's via these underlying structures that any changes occur. In some cases you'd might extend the DefaultMutableTreeNode class, in some cases you might have separate ...

70. unselect node in tree/jtree