Listener « JTree « Java Swing Q&A

1. Swing: listeners execution order on custom component

My custom component is composed of three JTrees inside a JPanel. Only one JTree should be selected at a time, so I've added a TreeSelectionListener to each of them that calls ...

2. How to add a mouse listener to a JTree so that I can change the cursor (to a hand cursor) when hovering over a node?

As the question states, I'd like to set a mouse listener to my JTree so that I can change the cursor to a HAND_CURSOR when the user places their mouse over ...

3. how find new node selected in jtree?

how find new node selected in jtree? or understand selected node changed?

4. Detect when a user control-clicks on a JTree?

With a Java Swing JTree, is there a way to detect if the user "regular" clicked or control-clicked on a node via a TreeSelectionListener? Or, detect modifier keys at all, even without ...

5. Interfering Keylisteners in java

I have a JXTree and I'd like to add searching to it this way:
As the user types, the model returns the matching elements of the tree and selects the first one ...

6. Override JTree listener?

7. Getting path with Tree Listener

Hi. I'm just starting to work with trees. I have a JTree created, now I want to take the path that the user has selected, and return it to my app. For example, The user may have expanded the node "Showcases", then expanded "1/3 Vision", then clicked on "With Doors". I want to be able to return a value as three ...

10. Tree selection listener not working

11. Tree with Listener not working when added to ScrollPane

Hi, I want to add a scrollpane to tree so that on expansion of the tree, scroll bar comes.I'm using the following code: JSscrollPane = new JScrollPane(jTree); jPanel.add(scrollPane,BorderLayout.CENTER); By doing so,i'm able to see scroll bar when tree expands. But the listener added for tree is not working.Below is the code adding listener: jTree.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { ...