JTree 2 « JTree « Java Swing Q&A

1. Problem on JTree in JRE1.5    coderanch.com

2. JTree help    coderanch.com

4. Jtree related problem    coderanch.com

5. jtree problem    coderanch.com

hi im trying to change the jtree renderer to do the following: each node in the tree should be on a panel which contains two lables, the left label which is the node name and its icon, and the right label which would be a legend. i already created that and it works, the problem is that i want the legend ...

6. JTree and JEditorPane    coderanch.com

ive been implementing a help system that uses a splitpane with a jtree in the left side (which allows the user to navigate to diferent help sections) and a jeditorpane in the right side (which will display the information). ive setup to jtree with no problems and added the treeselectioneventlistener to listen and respond to changes in selection, but ive become ...

7. jtree problem    coderanch.com

How do I delete a node from a treemodel? I tried 2 delete one using treeModel.removeNodeFromParent(temp_node); but my temp_node does not contain a parent in it. This is because it was defined on its own has a DefaultMutableTreeNode temp_node; where I wanted to create a loop that gets each node from a parent and temporarily insert the object into the temp_node.. ...

8. jtree navigation    coderanch.com

hello there, i have a large jtree on the left, and a mainpanel with a cardlayout on the right. with every node selection, the mainpanel switches to the corresponding card. now i want to provide some browser like histoy back and forward functionality. Does anybody have a nice solution for this ? Best Regards, Rick

9. JTree flicker    coderanch.com

10. make JTree as empty    coderanch.com

11. JTree problem    coderanch.com

Hi, I have constructed empty tree. when ever if i click add button then only tree should visible without root.I have used tree.setrootVisible(false).But its not working for my code.I am trying add one node only.If i try to add one more node i can able to get add for that method. For add button i added actinlistener.there when ever i click ...

12. JTree    coderanch.com

13. building JTree from list    coderanch.com

Objects in the list represent actions to be executed, one at a time, as the user steps through the list. Object C represents a special object that signals the beginning of a Group, whose children (D, E) are automatically executed sequentially without the user having to step through them individually. Object F signals the end of the group, after which other ...

14. Need help on JTree    coderanch.com

Hi guys, I am really in a desperate need of getting this thing work. I want to create a Jtree with object Details. Something like, i can pass any object and that tree should be able to show all its details using java reflection. can someone please help me out with this. i have done some coding, but not bale to ...

15. building a JTree    coderanch.com

16. JTree class    coderanch.com

17. JTree    coderanch.com

18. JTree and JFreechart in a single window    coderanch.com

HI all My requirement is that i have to create an UI which contains two frames one on the left and one on the right.The left frame should display various nodes using JTree.Now when i click on one of the nodes of the tree,the right frame should display an xy plot using JFreechart based on the node selected.Separately i am able ...

19. JTree in JSP    coderanch.com

20. JTree    coderanch.com

Overriding the toString() method of the object you put into the tree node is certainly the most natural way to do that, and I can't really see why you would not want to do it. But if there is some reason why not, you could probably have your TreeCellRenderer set some different text.

21. JTree    coderanch.com

22. JTree    coderanch.com

public void populateTree() { DefaultMutableTreeNode subFolder = null; File SubDir; for (int a = 0; a < getNumberOfUsers(); a++) { removed = false; int count = 0; subFolder = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(getUser(a).getName()); SubDir = getUser(a); // treePanel.addObject(null, SubDir.getName()); treeModel.insertNodeInto(subFolder, rootNode, rootNode .getChildCount()); for (int b = 0; b < getNumberOfRemovedUsers(); b++){ if (getUser(a).getName().equals(getRemovedUsers(b))){ treeModel.removeNodeFromParent(subFolder); //treeModel.reload(rootNode); } } } treeModel.setRoot(rootNode); treeModel.reload(rootNode); }

23. Jtree with its Modules    coderanch.com

I couldn't compile your code because of several missing classes, but your TreeModel code looks really bogus. There are always 2 children (getChildCount), but if the JTree tries to get these it always gets a completely new object. If it then try to get the index of an object, 0 is always returned. And nothing is a leaf, ever. The following ...

24. JTree Question    coderanch.com

25. JTree + JTabel    coderanch.com

hi i am developing an application that will load the mib files and shown as tree to the user. when user select the tree node - its details are shown in jtable. whats the problem is - the jtable is created when i select a node and the frame is at default size. when i maximize the frame - the jtable ...

26. JTree TreeExpansionListener problem    coderanch.com

Hi guys! I've got a JTree that represents file system structure. Because initializing the tree with the entire file system would take decades, I decided to do it according with the user's interaction with it. When the user selects a node, I call a certain prepareSubDirectories() method that loads two levels down the selected node and it works fine... But only ...

27. JTree UI    coderanch.com

28. Transparent JTree over gradient background    coderanch.com

Greetings everyone, I'm having a lot of trouble with transparent JTrees, I've extracted the portion of code that gives problems in a simple executable class: package launch; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() ...

29. Custom JTree addings    coderanch.com

30. DefaultTreeModel & JTree    coderanch.com

31. restoring and recalling a JTree    coderanch.com

Hi everyone, i have the question, which i'v already a few days not solved. I built a tree just like the sample "Dynamically Changing a Tree" on "http://download-llnw.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/components/tree.html". After inserting or removing nodes in(from) the tree, i close the whole window, when i open the widow another time, the new inserted (or removed) node are all gone. so the question is, ...

32. Jtree help    coderanch.com

33. Lazy fetching JTree    coderanch.com

I believe the return value of isLeaf determines whether or not to show the expand icon. There are now two options: - always return false; but then even leafs will appear as non-leafs - fetch the children when needed, but only when needed I've written a TreeModel implementation that uses the second technique. It loads the data anytime one of the ...

34. how to fill the jtree with the last modified value ?    coderanch.com

/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package jtreedemo; public class EditableTreeDemo implements TreeModelListener{ JFrame frm; JPanel panel; JTree tree; JLabel label; DefaultTreeModel treemodel; DefaultMutableTreeNode catogary ; DefaultMutableTreeNode book ; DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode; public void JTreeDemo() { frm = new JFrame("Tree"); panel = new JPanel(); rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root"); treemodel ...

35. Custom JTree    java-forums.org

hi, im fairly new to Java, been a VB programmer for quiet a while, now im starting to learn java and im struggling with the UI swing components. my particular problem is the JTree class. Im using a custrom cell renderer which i learned from one of the Java Tips posted here . I managed to place two JLabel on it, ...

36. Related to JTrees    java-forums.org

Hi, Iam new to java. I have to develop trees using java by taking data from the file. And the data is stored in the below format. X A B C A 1 B 2 3 C 4 and i want the tree in the following format.. X |_______A | |_______1 | |_______B | |_______2 | |_______3 | |_______C |_______4 Help ...

37. JTree trouble    java-forums.org

Hello! i have following TreeModel (with some modifications): Java Code: public class FileSystemModelFull implements FileSystemModel { private File root; private List listeners = new ArrayList(); public FileSystemModelFull(File f) { root = f; } public File getRoot() { return root; } public File getChild(Object parent, int index) { File directory = (File) parent; String[] children = directory.list(); return new File(directory, children[index]); } ...

38. JTree/TreeModelListener    java-forums.org

Read the API for JTree and follow the link to the Sun/Oracle tutorial on How to Use Trees. If I understand your goals correctly, you don't need a TreeModelListener at all. Rather, you need some kind of listener or callback that is triggered when the status of currUser's "buddies" changes, and updates the tree model accordingly. If you use a DefaultTreeModel, ...

39. The insertNodeInto method doesn't work for my JTree    java-forums.org

Hi! Initially, I have a data set stored in the database and a BLANK JTree. This data set contains a tree structure, e.g.: 1. Documents 1.1 Correspondence 1.1.1 Incoming 1.1.2 Outgoing 1.2 Contracts etc. What I need, is to build the JTree based on the above-shown information. The problem is that insertNodeInto doesn't work properly in my code - only second-level ...

40. Jtree    java-forums.org

Jtree //TREE VIEW : 28/01/2011 import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.colorchooser.*; import javax.swing.filechooser.*; import javax.accessibility.*; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.beans.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.applet.*; import java.net.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; import javax.accessibility.*; import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource; public class CheckNodeTreeExample extends JFrame { JScrollPane sp; public CheckNodeTreeExample() { super("CheckNode TreeExample"); String[] strs = ...

41. Jtree    java-forums.org

Jtree //TREE VIEW : 28/01/2011 //anyone have talent to simplify this program import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.colorchooser.*; import javax.swing.filechooser.*; import javax.accessibility.*; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.beans.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.applet.*; import java.net.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; import javax.accessibility.*; import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource; public class CheckNodeTreeExample extends JFrame { JScrollPane sp; public ...

42. JTree and SQLException [90007-153]    java-forums.org

Hello people! I am newbie and i need help. Please help to create a JTree from the database. I use a database H2 and JDK 1.6.0_25. If "ResultSet rs2" commented, all nodes have "pid = 0" work fine and visible in the JTree. If "ResultSet rs2" is not commented, then JTree added only one branch nodes, and all the other nodes ...

43. JTree and FTP    java-forums.org

import java.io.IOException; import java.net.SocketException; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTree; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.*; public class FTPTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws SocketException, IOException { JFrame fr=new JFrame("Swing Frame"); fr.setSize(800,600); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(null); String server = "server_ip"; String username = "id"; String password = "pass"; FTPClient client = new FTPClient(); client.connect(server); client.login(username, password); String[] files = ...

44. Jtree link to JFrame Form    java-forums.org

45. Jtree Help    java-forums.org

Jtree Help Hi guys need help with jTree please? I'm trying to create jtree that reads the files from the system, but cant manage to get drives on the panel. and here is what ive got so fare: import java.io.File; import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener; import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; /** * * @author qyt21516 */ public class JpowderTree2 implements TreeModel{ protected File ...

46. Split the JTree    java-forums.org

Hi All I wonder if someone can help. I'm trying to split the JTree into two JPanels so the Root and "Parents" can be in one JPanel and the "Child" can be in another. Folders(root & parents) are on left and Files(child) are in centre. I've managed to do it so it's error free but the result is a "dot" displays ...

47. Problems with JTree    java-forums.org

48. Multiple information in JTree    java-forums.org

Hello I am new to these forums and thought I might find solution to my problem here. I am making an application with JTree used for showing multiple names taken from a sql server. The names are not unique and I would like to be able to update rows in the sql table from the selection you make in the JTree. ...

49. get all elements in JTree    java-forums.org

50. JTree    forums.oracle.com

51. JTree?    forums.oracle.com

52. JTree in eclipse or netbean    forums.oracle.com

Hi every one. I'm a newbie to java. And I have a trouble with JTree. Please help me. I use netbean (and eclipse) that support visual design. When I drag and drop JTree into my JFrame, it had some sample information like "colors, sports, food" that I needn't. And I want to know how to remove all that node from my ...

53. Jtree    forums.oracle.com

Hello all I need to use a tree to be able to see tables related in a database by a field. and this have to be done in jsp, i have to frames in a jsp page.. one for the tree and the other for the data. Can anyone give me a hand with this?

54. New to Jtree    forums.oracle.com

55. JTree Problem    forums.oracle.com

56. JTree stops to increment immediately after viewing it once    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I am new to Java. am creating a JTree which should increment dynamically as the program goes on. Ya, it increments its node properly till I expand and view it once. Once I view the nodes, the incrementation of other nodes stops, but the program is running still. Somebody, please help me out in this issue.

57. Need help on Jtree    forums.oracle.com

Hi Akerman, Thanks for your immediate help. I have tried with some code after posting the query on SDN. A method with recursion to find the childern (without leafs) but the problem is I am getting duplicate values. I will try with your solution too. Below is my code private void listNodes(DefaultMutableTreeNode node){ int i = 0; if(node.getChildCount() > 0){ //System.out.println("Count ...

58. Need Help with a Jtree    forums.oracle.com

I have made the following data structure: CdCollection contains a list of artists, artists contains a list of its albums, and albums contain tracks (saved in vectors). Now, I want to add them to JTree, and I have managed to do so when creating the Jtree, there is 3 for loops as follows: for (....){ add first artist for (...){ add ...

59. JTree population    forums.oracle.com

Dear all, I have a new project to deliver in java.... May anyone tell me how can i populate a jtree,after it has been initialized,from a vector? Am trying to set up client/server application. My client can read the incoming vector with the users but i don't know how to populate my jtree with them. Please give me some advices... Thanks ...

61. JTree    forums.oracle.com

I made a class Switch that extends JCheckBox and has a method that creates a DefaultMutableTreeNode that I include in a DefaultTreeModel, tree. I use JTree(tree) to display the name and value of switches, instances of Switch that I use to select options in my program. When I toggle the switch I capture the event and go to an actionPerformed method ...

62. JTree question    forums.oracle.com

63. jtree question    forums.oracle.com

sal!! i am a student at cimputer faculty science!! i have a problem: to make a menu bar editor(interactive). i modelate the problem with a jtree(my menu is put in jtree). a have a problem. i make a visual representation of the tree and i selected one node. i want to insert a new node in that node(the node that i ...

64. JTree's    forums.oracle.com

I was wondering how to make ONLY the parent nodes editable and the leaf nodes not editable in a JTree. e.g. Imaging a list of courses where each course has a list of students. I would like to be able to edit the course names but not the student names. Any ideas? I have tried overriding setPathEditable(TreePath path), but this does ...

65. annoying behaviour of JTree    forums.oracle.com

If I scroll down and then open a folder toward the bottom of the tree that wouldn't be visible if I hadn't scrolled, then close that folder, then the tree is automatically scrolled back up to the top and moves the mouse pointer to two or three folders up instead of staying on the folder I just collapsed. How do I ...

66. want a JTree without the GUI    forums.oracle.com

Hello- I'm sure this is a simple question and I'm just forgetting something basic. I'd like a TreeSet that I can traverse in the getRoot, getChildren, getParent way but that also allows duplicates. The closest I could come was a JTree, but that's way too complex for what I would think is a very simple data structure, and not meant to ...

67. JTree over socket    forums.oracle.com

Please!! urgent help needed! i want to send a jtree over socket.. cos i have one jtree to view the FILE in server (FileTreeModel) i want the jtree to be in client any idea? i can't send the treemodel cos the tree model will re-construct back in the client which the client does not have such file and directory

68. JTREE HELP!    forums.oracle.com

69. jtree    forums.oracle.com

70. Help me with JTree!!!!    forums.oracle.com

} Traversing from the root to the end of the Tree and finding the "Item1" node and it was successful. I put this inside an actionListener event. However if i put the string "Item1" in a variable; String myString = "Item1"; it fails. Am i missing something? Help please. Thanks Edited by: transltr on Nov 10, 2008 8:51 AM

71. Help with JTree    forums.oracle.com

Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum (like you've done in the past). But there is no need to repost because all you need to do is read the Swing tutorial on "How to Use Trees" for a working example of how to add nodes to the tree. If you need further help then you need to create ...

72. Strange behavior with JTree    forums.oracle.com

73. JTree killing me    forums.oracle.com

I have a JMenuItem in which I registered an Action that inserts nodes into a JTree. The process of inserting nodes works excellent but if I don't click on the root node of the tree, after that, nodes are inserted (I noticed that via a System.out) but they don't appear in the tree. Please help me, thanks.

74. Help with setSelectionPath() method (JTree)    forums.oracle.com

75. How to set rootVector when extending JTree?    forums.oracle.com

76. JTree    forums.oracle.com

77. Problems with getUserObject() inside my Jtree    forums.oracle.com

78. Getting Hyperlink from a JTree    forums.oracle.com

Getting Hyperlink from a JTree Hello, Let\'s say I have a XML/RSS feed added to a DefaultMutableTreeNode in the format of hyperlink in a html tag. Which by the way shows up in the tree as a hyperlink. Now I am trying to get the hyperlink from it so that I can process it. The only working way I know is ...

79. make JTree clean    forums.oracle.com

80. Jtree    forums.oracle.com

Dear all, I have developing some days now a client/server chat. In my client I cannot populate my jtree. I receive ( through a thread(readObject())) from the server a vector with a user list. How can i populate my jtree? I have read the jtree tutorial. I think I can use a model tree. But i dont know what code to ...

81. JTree    forums.oracle.com

I have a JTree and i have two children in that JTree.I want to select all the child and i used setselectionpaths() to get the number of child.After I have used getselectionpaths(),i am getting the value of only one child and not the second one. In order to get all the child which method should i use.

82. Stuck with JTree problem    forums.oracle.com

83. about the Jtree    forums.oracle.com

84. Creating an OptionPane containing a JTree    forums.oracle.com

86. JTree not visible when compiled    forums.oracle.com

I have a problem that my JTree is not visible when i export my project to jar file. along with a button also. I have no idea why this may be happening so maybe some of you guys have heard of this before ? the JTree is visible when running in Eclipse etc any ideas?

87. ZipFiles and JTree    forums.oracle.com

I am developing a tool which compares to source zip files and generate report. I got stuck in the middle of the project. Do anybody help in extracting z zip file and displaying the whole contents in zip file using JTree format. I was able to extract the contents from the zip file but couldn't display those contents using JTree.

88. simple JTree    forums.oracle.com

Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum. Your code works fine. By default only the root node and and child node are displayed in the tree. If you want to see the grandchild you need to expand the tree by clicking on the icon or double clicking the child.

89. Problems using JTree    forums.oracle.com

Using JTree, I can modify the name of an element clicking on the element two times. But, how can I do to invoke externally this operation (for example using a popup menu, as when you modify the name of an icon in your desktop) without using double-click ? Is it clear? Thanks in advance!!!! lucignolo

90. problem_using_JTree    forums.oracle.com

I have a JTree, with one root and some child; now, when I click with the right button on a child, I will a menu that give me the possibility of making operations like delete child, view child,etc.....the some thing that you click one time with the right button on an icon of your desktop. How can I do to create ...

91. What's a good way to show attributes in a JTree made from DOM?    forums.oracle.com

I'm doing a pretty simple project that's basically just taking an XML document, making a DOM out of it, and then I want to represent the document in a JTree. The code I have now works swimmingly, except it doesn't do anything about attributes. Ideally (for the purposes of the tree), I'd like the attributes to show up as children of ...