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1. Jtree: how to hide parts of a given defaultmutabletreenode's text?    stackoverflow.com

Say my JTree consists of following nodes. new DefaultMutableTreeNode("DisplayThisTextOnly {donotdisplaystringsinhere}"); how can I hide the texts between and including {} from displaying using TreeCellRenderer? when I select this node, I want to be able ...

4. JTree root hiding    coderanch.com

Hi all. My question is: I need to hide the root node of my tree. I could do this by setRootVisible(false), but in this case the application does not work correct becouse the order of other nodes was changed (firs node became zero node and so on). Is there othe way to hide root node and keep the order of all ...

5. Hiding nodes in a JTree    coderanch.com

I am importing a tree from another program. But in my new program, I don't want to display every node of the tree. I created a class called SimContainerNode that holds the DefaultMutableTreeNodes of the old tree, and adds some fields such as frequency, and isVisible. When I display the JTree, I only want the nods with isVisible = true to ...