Font « JTree « Java Swing Q&A

1. Rendering nodes in JTree with multiple different fonts

Imagine I have a JTree that is showing multiple strings - for example a list of colors. How it would be possible to render such a tree with different color/font combination? ...

2. Problem with JTree node rendering when font is changed

I have a problem with rendering nodes in JTree. When node's font is changed and node's text gets wider that way then node's text is cut and end of text replaced ...

4. JTree - Fonts - Threads And CellRenderers

Ok Gurus, here's the problem. I have a Jtree (User list) that gets updated from a network thread - ie when a user logs onto the system, the user is add to the jtree. The problem that I'm running into is that sometimes the nodes added to my Jtree are being rendered incorrectly. What happens is one or more of the ...

5. About font of JTree

6. font of Jtree