Expand « JTree « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java JTree expand only level one nodes    stackoverflow.com

With a JTree, assuming the root node is level 0 and there may be up to 5 levels below the root, how can I easily expand all the level 1 nodes ...

2. How to expand JTree nodes (in advance), but keep them invisible    stackoverflow.com

I seems to me that when i call

JTree.expandPath( path )
That by default all its parents are expanded as well. But what i actually want to do is, set up ...

3. Speed up expand/collapse all nodes of a JTree    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTree with about 100000 nodes or more. Now I want to expand the whole tree. To do so I use the solution I found here. My problem ...

4. Add 'expand' button to JTree node that has no children?    stackoverflow.com

I'd like to add the 'expand' button to my JTree's nodes to indicate that they are expandable. The catch is that they have no children until the user clicks on them ...

5. Java Swing: Expanding TreeNode    stackoverflow.com

I am working on customizing a closed source client application. It has a tree in the UI and exposed only a method to get the selected node. It returns a subclass ...

6. Is there a better way to test JTree node expanded or not?    stackoverflow.com

I want to find a method like isNodeExpanded() to check if a given JTree node is expanded or not, but I can not find it. I know I can do this by ...

7. How to get JTree expanded?    stackoverflow.com

I have a wizard with several screens where user has to fill his/her details for further processing. At the second screen I have a radio group with three radio buttons that ...

8. JTree keep expanding problem    stackoverflow.com

I want to keep my jTree file expanded. I using below code to expand the jTree :

public void expandAll(JTree tree) {

    int row = 0;

9. Letting User add Nodes to a JTree, nodes do not appear if parent has EVER been expanded    stackoverflow.com

I have a problem with inserting nodes in a JTree. Basically the user right clicks on a parent node, bringing up a list of the possible children to insert. ...

10. Is there a fast way to expand many paths in a JTree?    stackoverflow.com

I have a large JTree and I need to expand thousands of nodes all at once. Right now, that is taking a long time. I think it's because it's firing notifications ...

11. JTree enlarges width when a note gets expanded    stackoverflow.com

I've got a real hard problem with a JTree. I've implemented a JTree with a selfwritten Model (wich is extended from TreeModel).

    fileSystemModel = new MyModel(new File(directory));

12. JTree Lazy Load Expand    stackoverflow.com

Hope you are doing fine. I have a JTree which I load lazily using database query (each node). I have a button on the screen and when user clicks the button ...

13. Show 'expand' control on JTree nodes after children are removed?    stackoverflow.com

I have a DefaultTreeModel containing a subclass of DefaultMutableTreeNode. I have only overridden isLeaf() to always return true because I lazily load the children when the node ...

14. Automatically expand JTree to until height threshold is met    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTree on a JScrollPane as part of my GUI. I've set up an AncestorListener where I respond to the ancestorAdded event. In the event, I would like to ...

15. How to search a particular node in jtree and make that node expanded.?    stackoverflow.com

I am having a jtree with 100 nodes. now i want to search particular node from that tree and make that node expanded..? How can i solve this problem.?

17. Initially expanded JTree?    coderanch.com

18. How to make the whole tree expanded?    coderanch.com

19. Show expanded JTree    coderanch.com

20. Expanding a JTree from another window    coderanch.com

22. JTree won't expand    coderanch.com

23. Exception in expanding the tree    coderanch.com

24. JTree won't show expanded node    coderanch.com

Hi. I can guess you does not put your code in the apropriate place. You can manipulate of your tree after you has you tree created and model set. For example: package tree; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; public class MyTree extends JTree{ DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root"); DefaultTreeModel model = new DefaultTreeModel(root); public MyTree() { DefaultMutableTreeNode newParent; ...

25. Expanding a Specific Node in JTree    coderanch.com

hi, thanks for the reply. i understand the way how tree works and done some coding to find the solution. What i understand is "to expand a specific node in the tree, we need to expand all its parent nodes". My problem is, i have object of the node which has to be expanded in hand. and i don't know ancestors ...

26. JTree Auto Expand By Default    coderanch.com

28. JTree expand node and highlight    coderanch.com

Hi there The user selects a node on a JTree and then clicks a button to create a new node underneath this node as shown here... Root |- Node User Clicks On |- Another Node Root |- Node User Clicked On |- New Node Here |- Another Node Now, the code that I have creates the node and adds it to ...

29. Cannot set cursor on tree expand    coderanch.com

I want to set the cursor to an hour glass on a tree expansion event, but it doesn't work. I can set the cursor on the main frame, but bot on the internal frame that contains the tree or the tree. Please tell me what is the correct way to do this.

30. Programatically Retrieve Node's children on Tree Expand    coderanch.com

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; public class DynamicNode implements TreeExpansionListener, TreeWillExpandListener { Random seed = new Random(); final int maxChildren = 8; public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent e) { JTree tree = (JTree)e.getSource(); TreePath path = e.getPath(); //System.out.printf("collapsing %s%n", path); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)path.getLastPathComponent(); DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel)tree.getModel(); node.removeAllChildren(); node.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode()); // marker leaf model.nodeStructureChanged(node); // ...

31. problem expanding JTree    coderanch.com

I am progammatically expanding a JTree but the last most nodes do not expand. I'm using code I found on this forum: tree.getRowCount(), tree.expandRow(i), etc. I've also tried expandPath, but the problem remains. I'm building a tree that looks like this: root | - S1 | | | - A1 | | | - A2 | - S2 | - A3 ...

32. how to expand only selected node in one level in JTree?    coderanch.com

Hi to all, iam using JTree.What i want is, when i select a perticular node in one level, the tree has to display only child nodes of selected node, the other nodes in that level automatically collapse if they already expanded. That is in a one level only one node has to expand, the other nodes has to collapse. If any ...

33. Load my program with a Jtree expanded    coderanch.com

34. Dynamic TreeViewer: Add nodes in the tree expand event.    coderanch.com

Hi Everybody, I am new to using SWT and stumbled onto a solution to my problem. I had searched the web for the solution with no success so I am sharing my solution in this forum in hopes that it will help others. All the example dynamic trees used a button Action to insert the node. I could find no example ...

37. JTree - expanding nodes    coderanch.com

Hello. I can't expand nodes and I don't know why. Here under is the code. It is supposed to create a frame and one tree wrapped in scroll pane, and there should be a button with "expand" written on it. When I click the "expand" button, I expected that tree node will expand, but it doesn't. One more time, thanks. package ...

38. Prevent JTree Leaf Expand/Doubleclick    coderanch.com

Hi folks, I cannot get my JTree to not expand a leaf node when doubleclicking it. I would like to prevent the expansion. I know the name of the directory, or in other word, I can detect it being clicked on. Look at DocumentTree.this.synopsisDir(path), I thought the retun keyword would prevent this. I don't want this node to expand because I ...

39. Expand Lazy Loaded JTree    coderanch.com

Hello, I have a Lazyily loaded JTree but I am facing some problems. I have a JTree which I load lazily using database query (each node). I have a button on the screen and when user clicks the button I perform some insert/update/delete in database and then add the model back in Jtree with only root and its immediate children using ...

40. Collapse previous expanded node in JTree    java-forums.org

Hi, I am facing a problem with JTree. How can I collapse priviously expanded node(if any), when the user expanded a new node? Whenever the user expanded new node, it should first collapse priviously expanded node and then expanded the new node ( on which the user clicks). How can I do it?

41. JTree not expanding?    java-forums.org

42. JTree - Create nodes and expand    forums.oracle.com

Hi there, I have made a file-tree from the swing jtree, where My Computer is the root, then C:/ etc, Program Files, etc... The problem I'm having is that I'm trying to open up a node if a link has been clicked. For example.. if A shortcut to C:/Program Files/Pictures/pic.jpg was clicked, then it should go the C:/ node, create it's ...

43. Trouble with JTree's and autmoatically expanding nodes    forums.oracle.com

Thank you for your response. Perhaps you can offer some advice on how to use said method? It is a method that I had seen in the API, but I cannot get access to is because my class extends JPanel, not JTree. Is there any other way to achieve this, without having to extend JTree, as this causes a number of ...

44. expand JTree complete    forums.oracle.com