Style « JTextPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to set style of the text about to be typed in a JTextPane

I have a JTextPane and I am able to modify the style of a portion of text within it. Assuming that nothing in the JTextPane is selected, I would like to be ...

2. Is it possible to Hide Text through a Style?

I currently have a JTextPane that will be displaying text coming in from different streams. The way that the user can tell which stream the text came from is that the ...

3. Have I found a bug in Java? Regarding AttributeSet

I've been using a JTextPane (or my sub-classed version of one) in an application I've been writing, and so I've been working with Styles. My program wasn't acting the way I ...

4. JTextPane - a phrase with TWO styles

I just faced an interesting thing. I was changing selected text style. The thing is when I change style for ONE WORD one by one it's fine but next if I ...

5. how to set these style constants in JTextPane?

Hello Everybody, I was trying to use JTextPane with the following StyleConstants: 1. LeftIndent 2. rightInent 3. FirstLineIndent 4. Alignemnt(center) I was trying the following code but in vain. Can you please help me to achieve same? regards, Arun Code:- ********* import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.*; public class testJTextPane extends JFrame { JTextPane jtp; public testJTextPane() { Containercont ...

6. JTextPane and Styles