String « JTextPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to clean JTextPanes/JEditorPanes html content to string in Java?

I try to get pretty (cleaned) text content from JTextPane. Here is example code from JTextPane:

JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane ();
textPane.setContentType ("text/html");
textPane.setText ("This <b>is</b> a <b>test</b>.");
String text = textPane.getText ();
System.out.println (text);
Text ...

2. Java substring is switching my positive indexes with negative ones

I have come to the conclusion HTML enabled JTextPanes do not support word wrapping. So I am attempting to provide a home brew method. I will post it on ...

3. JTextPane/String index.

4. JTextPane and handling insertions of a large string.

I'm having a difficult time trying to optimize the adding of a large file to a JTextPane. I have searched everywhere on the internet and cannot seem to find anything that looks feasible. One site mentions removing the JTextPane's document while insertions are being done to avoid any unnecessary updates. I tried this but it did not seem to help much. ...

5. Showing html in JTextPane directly from a String

Hello I have a JTextPane and I want to show an html page in it. But I don't want to use setPage() because the html page is not on a web server or a filesystem file but in a String variable. If I have a String variable containing some html code, How can I display this in a JTextPane as an ...