1. Java Swing Chatroom in a JTextPane? stackoverflow.comI am looking for good advises in order to make this chatroom :
2. JTextPane trouble bytes.comWhat happens when you ask your HTMLEditorKit to write its entire content? Read the API docs for the details of its write() method. For the actual Writer you can use a ... |
3. JTextPane coderanch.com |
4. Pasting into a JTextPane coderanch.com |
5. JTextPane Aligment coderanch.com |
6. Using JTextPane coderanch.com |
7. JTextPane problem coderanch.comI am attempting to write a parser to parse out ANSI color escape sequences from a buffer and apply them to a screen(JTextPane). I am at the point where the parser detect the colors and I am applying them back to the screen. My problem is that when I set my forground color to change the color of the text, it ... |
8. JTextPane.setEditotkit(HTMLEditotkit) coderanch.comHi folks, I am rendering html doc in textpane. i had set textpane.setEditorkit(new HTMLEditokit()), so html doc is rendered in textpane.i am having a tool bar wiith bold italic buttons ...while i make changes by selecting a portion of the text it gets reflected in ui, when made a call like textpane.getText(), i am able to get html form o/p..This is ... |
9. JTextPane not reflecting changes coderanch.com |
10. JTextPane --find the mystery coderanch.com |
11. JTextPane coderanch.com |
12. JTextPane viewable area coderanch.comHi, I asked this question before but I may have made it too complex a question and may have confused some of you so I'll ask it a little differently. Here is what I would like to do. Lets say I define a JTextPane to be 10 inches wide and 10 inches in height, but I would only like the viewable ... |
13. JTextPane problem coderanch.com |
14. JTextPane/InputStream coderanch.com |
15. JTextPane becomes gray sometimes coderanch.com |
16. JTextPane/MouseDragged coderanch.comhello Friends, In textpane i have some lines of text.In mouse dragged event i highlight the selected text's background with yellow color.But the text color remains black. I need only one particular character to be cahnged dynamically on mouse drag(for eg if particular text selected contains character 'a' i need the that text color alone to be changed to blue & ... |
17. JTextPane coderanch.com |
18. Problem with a JTextPane coderanch.comthe text pane needs the focus to display the caret. use JTextPane.requestFocus() to switch the focus. this method works _only_ if it is invoked after the window/frame has been made visible or pack has been called. use an ancester listener on the textpane to wait for these events, then call request focus. if you need more help, post again c |
19. jtextpane help coderanch.comhi, is there a way to limit the number of rows a user may enter in a jtextpane? i'm having some problems dealing with word wrapping, it does not seem to recgonize the wrap as a new line, only when the user presses the enter key does it recognize a new row. Thank you. |
20. JTextPane/Styleconstants coderanch.com |
21. JTextPane problem ' ==> [] ?????????????? coderanch.com |
22. IllegalStateException with JTextPane coderanch.comHi all. Does somebody can explain me why this exception is occured? I want when I will type the word "select", this word will change the colour. When I run this small programm, ant type the word "select" this exception is occured. class TextPaneTest extends JFrame { TextPane textPane = new TextPane(); public TextPaneTest() { getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(textPane)); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setSize(400, 300); setLocation(300, ... |
23. JTextPane coderanch.comhi i have just tested this and may be it help you. import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class TextPaneTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JTextPane textpane = new JTextPane(); JScrollPane sc = new JScrollPane(textpane); JLabel label = new JLabel("Change "); JTextField text_to_change = new JTextField(20); JLabel label1 = new JLabel("in "); JTextField text = new JTextField(20); JButton ... |
24. JTextPane/sentence extraction-urgent coderanch.comHi Friends, How could I the sentence line by line in JTextPane. I have set a html content say for exampl This is my first line.df d dsfs dfsfsdfdsfd sdfdsfdsfsd dsfds fdsfdsfdsfsd dsfdsfsdf dsf dfdsf dsfdsfdfdsf dsf sdf s,this has been set to JTextPane. When output is viewed it has four lines as specified below. This is my first line.df d ... |
25. css in JTextPane using swing1.1 coderanch.com |
26. Swing JTextPane on Solaris/Linux coderanch.comta = new JTextArea(8,90); ta.setLineWrap(true); ta.setDragEnabled(false); ta.setEditable(false); ta.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { ta.setText(tmptxt); e.consume(); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { tmptxt = ta.getText(); e.consume(); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { e.consume(); ta.setText(tmptxt); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { // System.out.println("mouse entered!"); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { // System.out.println("mouse exited!"); } }); |
27. Multiple JTextPane referencing trouble coderanch.comHi all, I am having trouble with a Java2D program. I need to calculate the number of JTextPanes needed on the screen at compile time, this part is fine and they are stored in a hashtable. Another hashtable is used to store the contents of the textpanes. Later in the program I am changing the colour of text for a number ... |
28. control JTextPane coderanch.comfew questions: 1. how do i select some text, provided i know the positions of start and end. i tried jtextpane.select(pos1,pos2); but it didnt mark the text, it only moved the caret to pos2. 2. how do i prevent a user from typing any text in the textpane? however i want him to be able to click on words in the ... |
29. JTextPane editing? coderanch.com |
30. trouble clearing JTextPane coderanch.comI have a JTextPane that needs to be cleared whenever a user hits the enter key. I'm using a nested "InputBoxProcessor" class in my applet and am using the keyPressed method as keyReleased and keyTyped both seem unresponsive. the method clears all the text and sends it to its proper destination, however I still have a trailing newline which stays in ... |
31. Undeline in JTextPane coderanch.com |
32. JTextPane + setIcon coderanch.com |
33. Force Scroller on JTExtPane coderanch.com |
34. Turn off WordWrap in StyledDokument and JTextPane coderanch.com |
35. Force Scrool on JTextPane? coderanch.comYes i use JScrollbars, exacly as i do to the JPane, but in the jpane i can set the preferedsize and the horizontal jscoolbar will be activated, this does not wokr in JTextPane. I have tryed before to set values to the JScroolbar but this wount work, maby you could show me? As i said, i can get the vertical scroolbars ... |
36. JTextPane coderanch.comHi everyone, I am currently trying to serialize parts of a jtextpane using the java ObjectOutputStream to write it to disk and when i am reading the object back i am using the java ObjectInputStream. When i read the api about the streams here is what they say Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing ... |
37. JTextPane coderanch.comHi everyone, I have a question about doing something. I have a jtextpane that you can type text and all but i need to create something like microsoft's word 2000 in where i can view the entire print layout of the jtextpane as a print layout but also be able to continue typing my text on that particular print layout. It ... |
38. help,how to improve JTextPane's efficiency? coderanch.com |
39. adding JScrollbar/scroolpane to jtextpane? coderanch.com |
40. UL list in a JTextPane coderanch.com |
41. Problem whith newline in JTextPane coderanch.comHi! I have a keyListener that checks if the user presses the return key public void KeyTyped( KeyEvent ke ){ if( ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER ){ // do something } } this works fine. If the if statement returns true I check to see if I'm in a |
42. Showing DOS job in a JTextPane coderanch.com |
43. Question on JTextPane coderanch.com |
44. New to swing ... JTextPane blocking coderanch.comHi. I'm trying to make an application that reads text files in various formats (html, rtf, pdf). In the following code the TextContainer object is a subclass of JTextPane made for modifying the default editorkit (for modifying the viewfactory) The problem is that this code blocks without displaying the JTextPanes. I've isolated the problem by commenting something to occur when i ... |
45. ModelToView in JTextPane coderanch.comObviously i was talking about viewtomodel. Well i did some tests, and it seems that the componet getHeigth/getWidth or getX/getY are a little flaky. Tests: package ui; import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; class MouseListener extends MouseInputAdapter { public MouseListener() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getComponent() instanceof TextContainer){ TextContainer text = (TextContainer) e.getComponent(); System.out.println("Mouse ... |
46. cant type on JTextPane coderanch.comI have a problem that on textpane.when i take createImage() method of textpane(eg: Image OSI = createImage(getSize().width, getSize().height); Graphics OSG = OSI.getGraphics(); ) i cant type on that texpane.but i can draw on that textpnae using the method of OSG(object of Graphics class).In my project i want to draw and type on textpane.now its not possible.pls give me a solution |
47. JTextPanes coderanch.com |
48. JTextPane and Justified Paragraphs coderanch.comHi all, I have to display some formatted paragraphs in a JTextPane. Each paragraph should have a header in bold letters and following some justified text. I can change font style and color, but the justified alignment won't happen with this code: ... String[] initString = { omitted }; String[] initStyles = { "bold", "justified", "bold", "justified", "bold", "justified", "bold", "justified", ... |
49. JTextPane coderanch.com |
50. paint JTextPane in java.awt.Rectangle coderanch.com |
51. JTextPane breaking up coderanch.comHello- I have a program that attempts to put a class I call TextPane which sub-classes JTextArea, in a specific location on another class which is sub-classed from JPanel which I call LinedPanel. When the user selects a location in this LinedPanel and clicks the Add Button the JTextArea show up but seems to be broken up. I am including the ... |
52. JTextPane problems coderanch.com |
53. JTextPane is not showing the messages when the window is minimized coderanch.com |
54. JTextPane is not showing the messages when the window is in Iconified state coderanch.comJTextPane messages; String mymsg = messages.getText(); int bodystrt = mymsg.indexOf(" "); int bodyend = mymsg.indexOf(""); String body = mymsg.substring(bodystrt + 6, bodyend - 7); String msgs[] = body.split(""); System.out.println("--- After Splitting the Message ---"); String styledText = new String(); for (int i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) { styledText += msgs[i] + " "; } if (m.userName.equals(ChatClient.userName)) { messages.setText(styledText + "" ... |
55. my offsets are all wrong in my jtextpane got few questions. coderanch.comSo, i have an html page i run a regex on find a match then save the html page as string (already is one ) and get the offsets of the match. Then i add the html text to the jtextpane with .settext() and get the highlighter and highlight with the offsets used from my regex from the raw string match. ... |
56. Smilies in JTextPane coderanch.comFor now, I coded it my way and it works perfectly. However I did not consider updates resulting from a call to the insert method. So my question is would I be fine if I avoid calling this method (which I am not) or there may be times that it's called without me knowing? |
57. pagination in jtextpane coderanch.comhi, here is a SSCCEE for pagination of jtextpane. it uses a stylededitorkit my problem is if i change the content type to text/rtf or text/html it does not work. any idea what is wrong? both rtfeditorkit adn htmleditorkit inherit from stylededitorkit so the result should be the same but it is not if anyone can give ideas or workaround, it ... |
58. JTextPane Questions coderanch.comHi Guys We're trying to build a simple WYSIWYG HTML editor using a JTextPane. I've used Charles Bell's example as a reference. My biggest gripe with it at the moment is that bullets aren't working as I would expect them to. If I highlight text and click the "Bullet" button, I want a bullet to be placed immediately before the highlighted ... |
59. GetIcon from jTextPane java-forums.orgSkip to next Post if you only want constructive element... Ok, so after 2 days reading the API, I find how to do it -_-. Inserting an icon in a jTextPane is pretty easy. There is 2 ways you can do it. 1. use the method insertIcon(Icon c) in the jTextPane 2. - create a style - add it to the ... |
60. Clipboard and jTextPane java-forums.orgHi there I'm looking for a pro in datatransfer. I'm trying to create method to copy and paste the content of a jTextPane in another one. I was planning to use the Clipboard to do so. But, there is a few things that I can't figure out. 1. I need a class that implements Transferable and ClipboardOwner and it's an instance ... |
61. getStyle name in JtextPane at caretPosition java-forums.org |
62. JTextpane java-forums.orgHi All, I am writing a console which acts as a very simple calculator where the user types a math question (e.g. 7 + 6 ) and the program returns the answer. The console would like some thing as the following: enter Input: 7 + 6 * 2 Output is: 19 What is the best way to read the input line ... |
63. JTextPane focus problem java-forums.org |
64. JTextPane java-forums.orgI am building a chat program right now and am trying to make it so the user's name can be different colors in the chat area. I have looked everywhere and cannot find a clear answer on how to append a string into a JTextPane with color applied to certain characters. I know it might have to do with StyledDocuments or ... |
65. JTextPane problem java-forums.orgHi......... I have a problem about setText() of JTextPane class. I have a two class - FrameOutput.java and FrameInput.java. In FrameInput.java I have globally declared and initialize the JTextPane like below ------ jpmsgTxtPane=new JTextPane(); jpmsgTxtPane.setForeground(Color.darkGray); Font fn=new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,12); jpmsgTxtPane.setFont(fn); jpmsgTxtPane.setText("At first you select draw mode then draw item.\n Observe the canvas...."); jpmsgTxtPane.setEditable(false); jpmsg=new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,1)); jpmsg.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(" Instruction:")); jpmsg.add(jpmsgTxtPane); add(jpmsg,BorderLayout.CENTER); its working ... |
66. Transparent JTextPane java-forums.org |
67. problem in JTextPane java-forums.org |
68. jTextPane and other languages! help please! java-forums.orgok, so I have been doing a lot of research on this but all i can find are examples of this working with files, not straight from the socket. for example here is my code for my reader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream())); but i have searched some examples which use character sets and here is an example InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = ... |
69. JTextPane array java-forums.org |
70. Homework: for loop output to jTextPane based on jTextBox variables java-forums.orgHomework: for loop output to jTextPane based on jTextBox variables FIRST: I do not want a hand out, or the answer. I just need a few comments so I can find out where I am going wrong. Second, my code is sloppy. I did not rename my GUI fields so a lot of them are default. I have been ... |
71. JTextPane forums.oracle.com |
72. JTextPane dissallow typing forums.oracle.com |
73. JTextPane forums.oracle.comPersonally though, I actually prefer that only the most recent message is modifiable. Often times, a message is based on multiple previous messages, but those messages change from under them, and the whole thread doesn't make sense any more. Another personal forum wish list: mod points (like slashdot), so people can mod up/down comments. So we can mod down trolls. And ... |
74. help: JTextPane forums.oracle.comwindow. setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); window.setSize(600, 500); window.setVisible (true); } public static void main (String args[]){ try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel ( UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName() ); } catch (Exception k) {} One mfc = new One(); readMyFile(); } static void readMyFile() { String record = null; try { FileReader fr = new FileReader("12.txt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); record = new String(); while ((record = br.readLine()) != null) ... |
75. JTextPane construction. forums.oracle.comHello evry1. Im working on a project that is used basically to write a message, and I'm useing a JTextArea as the main text....area. However I have been told that this is not the way to go if I want styled text. The problem is that with the text area, I can only override setFont and setForeground, which results in the ... |
76. How does a JTextPane grab forus? forums.oracle.com |
77. JTextPane setFont doesnt work forums.oracle.comHi All I have set the font of a jtextpane by using the following code: this.text = new JTextPane( new DefaultStyledDocument() ); this.text.setBorder( new EmptyBorder( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); this.text.setText( "" ); this.text.setSize( 600, 300 ); this.text.setFont( new Font( "Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 10 )); I need to set the font to Monospaced to ensure all the characters are equally spaced. ... |
78. Expand and collapse in JTextPane forums.oracle.com |
79. Little problem with JTextPane forums.oracle.com |
80. Using a jtextpane forums.oracle.comHi...i've a jtextpane which has got text in different styles...is there any way to get the attributes associated with the text into an array or something so that i can use the doInsertString method inside a for loop to insert strings into the second text box? Or is there an even better way to do it???Thank you in advance... |
81. 2 JTextPane working together forums.oracle.com |
82. Problems with JTextPane and linebreaks. forums.oracle.comSwing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum. But there is no need to repost your question because all you need to do is read the JTextPane API and follow the link to the Swing tutorial which has a working example of display HTML in a text pane (or JEditorPane). |
83. Reg-Ex for smileys in Jtextpane forums.oracle.comthanks Kaj for replying so quickly. Lets first talk on the below solu'n you have suggested of StringBuilder or buffer whatever . My pbm here is of appending the icon object in the doc of JtextPane. I know that there is append(Object o) method on StringBuilder but before it I need to set the style of that icon & style dynamic ... |
84. JTextPane problem forums.oracle.comits not at all easier, with html i can just wrap the code around the text i want colored. if i used attributes... well i have no idea how i would do it... i need to be able to replace certain certain chars with certain colors, with html i just replace the tag with a color code... how would i do ... |
85. setWrapStyleWord in JTextPane? forums.oracle.comyour right o.0... when i tester before i added a real long string and it just expanded... now it doesnt though. something else i stumbled upon though: how do i make sure what i add comes up in a new line? \n doesnt seem to work?... or is that also just me :P |
86. Regular Expression, matcher, JTextPane forums.oracle.com |
87. Problems wit Bullets in JTextPane forums.oracle.com |
88. null value in JTextPane forums.oracle.com |
89. How to add JTextPane with NetBeans forums.oracle.com |
90. JTEXTPANE help please forums.oracle.com |
91. problem with JTextPane and StateInvariantError forums.oracle.com |
92. JTextPane questions forums.oracle.comMy second post was adding additional information and attempting to explain that I could not code anything closer than that to what you need because you did not give enough detail; and any other threads you might have made that seem to have been alluded to in this thread I have no knowledge of. |
93. Why is JTextPane Changing to forums.oracle.com |
94. JTextPane Problem forums.oracle.comhi all, i'm using a jtextpane as a simple editor and i don't want to let the user enter special characters like (#,^,%,*) and not exceed the maximum character length. i used the keyreleased event to examine the character being pressed but it's not efficient coz when i press more than one character at a time it only checks the last ... |