getText « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. JTextfield, how to verify content in the getText() method

I have a textfield called x. When the textfield contains " ", I want to do something. If it does not, do something else. I tried doing

String test = x.getText();
if(test.startsWith(" ")){buttonN.setForeground(Color.GRAY));}
but it ...

2. Java TextField getText() returns previous string value

I have a problem with Java Textfield that is when I cover all text in the JTextField and input new text immediately(do not pass backspace) into the JTextField, then I use ...

3. Overwriting getText of JTextField

I wish to overwrite getText() so that it can return a null value instead of a a blank value. I noticed that getText() is a part of JTextComponent and I've been ...

5. JTextField getText() no Enter pressed

6. JTextField on getText() method

Hmmm, where to start. I would suggest there are simpler ways to do what you are trying to do, but since it "almost works" we'll just work with what you have. First, you need to have access to the two JTextFields in your KeyAdapter. The easiest way to do this is to make your KeyValidator an inner class. Just place the ...

8. Edit JTextfield, get text with getText

I would like to create a dialog there I can write in to JTextFields, get the text with getText and send as initial varibales in an instance of class tGlose. The problem is that nothing happens then I hit the enter-key. I have tried to use "setEidtable(true)" with the JTextField norskfelt. It souldn't be necesarry, and i doesn't make at difference. ...

9. textField.getText()=="" not working

10. gettext() to get text from JTextField

I am facing problem to get text from JTextFiled using gettext() method. I use a blank textfield & then user enters data. I am trying to retreive data in to a String type variable like String s=textfield.gettext(). But it does not do. But if textfield is already initialized, it gets data. How can I overcome this ?rpblem.

11. getText() method not working for TextFields and JTextFields

/** This method is called from within the init() method to * initialize the form. * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is * always regenerated by the Form Editor. */ // private void initComponents() { jUsername = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jPassword = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jLoginButton = new javax.swing.JButton(); jLoginButton.setText("Login"); jLoginButton.addActionListener(new ...

12. JTextField + getText

public Finestradue (String s){ super (s); //costruisco il pannellouno JLabel etichettainiziale=new JLabel(" Inserire le informazioni richieste negli appositi spazi"); pannellouno.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1)); pannellouno.setBackground(; pannellouno.add(etichettainiziale); //costruisco il pannellodue pannellodue.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1)); pannellodue.setBackground(; JLabel etichettascelta=new JLabel("Inserire il numero di scelte fino ad un massimo di 10"); pannellodue.add(etichettascelta); pannellodue.add(camposcelta); //costruisco il pannellotre pannellotre.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2)); JButton prosegui=new JButton("Prosegui"); prosegui.addActionListener(new proseguial()); JButton esci=new JButton("Esci"); esci.addActionListener(new escial()); pannellotre.add(prosegui); pannellotre.add(esci); ...

13. JTextField getText() STRANGE

14. Can someone explain what (((JTextField) event.getSource()).getText()) does?

Thank you! So event.getSource() always returns an Object data type (according to the API), which means that if we want to use the source Object we always have to cast it? This is an example of polymorphism? Also, why doesn't event.getSource() return the specific source data type? This is how I thought the method worked until today. For example, if a ...