Paint « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. Can I limit the length of text in a JTextField which can be painted, while still storing the full text?

I have a text field in my application. Despite it being a text field, users sometimes paste huge amounts of text into it. Additionally, other functions of the problem ...

2. Problem with painting a JTextField

Hi all. I've a question regarding JTextFields (or any swing component, for that matter) I need to refresh the contents of a JTextField from a separate thread running in my program. So the main thread of the program is off grinding on some long server process, and I want to update a little text field on the GUI with the current ...

3. JTextfield/JButton paint question

I am doing an applet with a picture (made of ovals and lines) and I want to have a text field and button at the bottom of the picture so when someone types in their name and pushes the button, their name will be painted on the picture. Do I add the painting to a layout? I am really stumped on ...