Mouse « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. how to remove MouseListener / ActionListener on a JTextField

I have the following code adding an ActionListener to a JTextField:

chatInput.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {

2. Hold down a key while clicking on a JTextField in Java, how to get the key?

I have a JTextField represents a day in a week, such as "Friday", when I click on it, I want to have a choice such as "1st of month, 3rd of ...

3. cursor does not change to I-bar on mouseover JTextField

Initially the cursor changes to i-bar on mouseover, but after clicking a button (which basically calls setEnabled(false) and then setEnabled(true) on the JTextField) , the cursor doe not change to ...

4. How to make a JTextField appear when clicking an image?

So I'm trying to make this program that allows the user to tag photos using java (kinda like Facebook tagging). I have already done loading the image, and making mouselistener when ...

6. MouseListener - clearing a textField when clicked on?!

Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right place for my question, but I was wondering if you could help me. I am trying to create a basic java graphics program and as part of it I have a textField where the user types a description of the image. I have set the textField to initially display "What's in ...

7. mouse click listener from textfield

I am making a calculator that will find the answer of two numbers. x + y = answer for example. There is a textfield for xInput, yInput, operatorInput, and answer. There are also numbered buttons 0-9. When you press 0, it will add a zero to x or y depending on which textfield is selected. When you click on a text ...

9. jTextField : reading Text from mouseEvent