Key « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. KeyListener(KeyPressed) doesn't working

I try to make it like this : Try using a key listener to detect each time the user enters text into the field. Each time the key event is triggered, get ...

2. KeyListener receives the "key-hit" before my JTextField does..?

I got a JTextField, and to that field I have added a Keylistener. Inside the keyPressed method, I ask the method to print (System.out.println) whats inside the JTextField.. If I hit ...

3. jtextfield keyevent handling issue

doesn't .getKeyCode( ) return the key's int value? Because i have set my jtextfield to listen to keylistener, and in the keytyped method, i check what key has been pressed. ...

4. Java SWT: apply key events from List to Text field

I am making a component in SWT that contains a text field and a list. Whenever text is entered it filters the list. So far everything is working great ...

5. How can I ignore any KeyListeners that may have been added by client programs when certain conditions are met?

I haven't had any luck with the web as far as this is concerned, the closest I've come is to read up on the EventQueue, but I can't seem to find ...

6. Sending keypresses to JTextField

I'm trying to simulate text input into a JTextField. I've got a 1 char long string containing the letter I want to add and I run:

receiver.dispatchEvent(new KeyEvent(this,
  KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED, 0,

7. Filter the user's keyboard input into JTextField (swing)

How can I limit the keyboard input before it will be entered into JTextField (swing) I want to allow user to input only "+-0123456789abcdef,." chars, and no more than 1 , or ...

8. How do I direct key board input to non-focused JTextField?

Some background: I have a turn based game where you can play several concurrent games in separate windows. Each window/game has it's own chat and also a kind of game action panel ...

9. My program sometime freeze when i type high score text field?

I am making a game that work with swing components (only for submitting high scores) but sometimes when I type things freeze; I don't know why and it's hard to ...

10. Simple way to cancel user input on esc key pressed?

Is there a simple way to cancel the user input in a JTextField when key "esc" is pressed ? I mean something different that a key listener and a data backup. Thanks

11. JTextField key listener is one behind after pasting

I am trying to check that the text in a JTextField matches a perticular pattern, and if it does / doesn't display a message the user. This is what I ...

12. JTextField do not work keyListener

Sorry for my English. I have some problems with JTextField and with KeyListener. I have the code below :

package com.gugnovich.tasks;   
public class Task1Panel extends Task {

    private static ...

13. JTextField and KeyEvents ...

Hi Tom, The cleanest approach would be to extend the JTextField and override the processKeyEvent method. This would make sure that the keyEvent was handled by the TextField before you do your thing. See the code below for an example. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class KeyTextField extends JTextField { public KeyTextField() { this( "", 10 ); } public ...

14. Doubt about jTextField and keypressed

15. navigating JTextFields via up/down keys

So, once again I am pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. I have a budget GUI that enters expenses into a JTextField where it is compared against other values and calculated. The point is though, I have an array of JTextFields which I can currently navigate via the tab shift/tab keys. However, I want to be able to ...

16. Value of text field after each key typed

Hi, I want to get the value of a text field after every key is typed. So, say the text field already has hello if i type '!' at the end, txtfield.getText() still gives me hello for the keyTyped event instead of hello! txtfield.getText() + event.getKeyChar() gives the correct value, but the problem with using this approach is that supposing I ...

17. I have problem when I want connect keyevent with text fields

Java Code: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * * @author Bobi */ public class GUI extends javax.swing.JFrame { private JButton start; private JButton stop; private JButton enter; private JLabel label; private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane1; private JTextArea text; private JTextField filename; private JFrame frame; private ArrayList inputtext = new ArrayList (); private Font font=new Font("JSL Ancient",Font.BOLD,14); public GUI(){makeframe();} private ...

19. KeyListener - JTextField

I have a jtextfield. When a certain length of characters are entered into the field I want to use them in a function and clear the field. When I do this, my following function works but the character from the key pressed is set as the textfield text AFTER I clear it so the field is no longer clear. How can ...