JLabel « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. Set position of JTextField, JLabel and JButton in Java    stackoverflow.com

When i run the program, the label textfield and button and so on are arranged randomly (label and button are in same line). How do I explicitly set the layout?

2. setVisible(false) to a group of JTextField and JLabel    stackoverflow.com

I have a group of JTextField and JLabel. I want initially they are not visible so I thought to initialize my applet with a method which make a setVisible(false) to each ...

3. JTextField with JLabels in Simple GUI    stackoverflow.com

I'm making a simple address book GUI and I don't have a very good grasp of layouts. I want my GUI to look like this... enter image description here Here is ...

4. JTabbedPane JLabel, JTextField    stackoverflow.com

Right, I have a JTabbedPane that has a JPanel that contains a JLabel and a JTextField. my code JTabbed Pane declaration :

        this.tabPane ...

5. How to align JLabel-JTextField pairs vertically    stackoverflow.com

What I mean by a JLabel-JTextField pair is a JLabel component followed by a JTextField one, for example, "Parameter 1: -----" where "-----" denotes a blank JTextField. The problem is, the width ...

6. How do I display non-scientific formatted values on a JLabel and JTextField?    stackoverflow.com

I have a string value that could contain a double, integer, ascii or byte value and I put that value into a JLabel. I would like for the double and ...

7. Java Swing - How to show an image inside a non-editable JTextField?    stackoverflow.com

In my Java Swing application i want to put a lock image inside a JTextField that is not editable, to appear like this : Locked JTextField I have created a JTextField, ...

8. Regarding JTextfield and Jlabel    coderanch.com

9. JLabel and JTextField not showing up    coderanch.com

10. Align JLabel, JTextField inside TitledBorder    coderanch.com

How to align JLabel & JTextField which are outside a TitledBorder with the JLabel & JTextField which are inside a TitledBorder? My simplified Swing test program is as follows. I use GridBagLayout for more powerful control. i.e. how to align lastNameLabel with cityLabel & streetNumberLabel, lastNameText with cityText & streetNumberText? import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Insets; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import ...

11. align JLabels and JTextFields vertically in different areas    coderanch.com

I like to have 3 TitledBorders for 3 different areas of my frame. Each area has its own components - JLabels, JTextField, etc. How to align JLabels and JTextFields vertically in different areas? e.g. for the following test program, how to configure label1, label2, label3 so that their right sides all align vertically and tf1, tf2, tf3 so that their left ...

12. not showing JLabel and TextField    coderanch.com

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class gui extends JFrame{ gui(){ setVisible(true); setSize(600,400); setTitle("Najeeb Interiro"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JFrame f=new JFrame(); JLabel fname=new JLabel("First Name"); add(fname); JLabel lname=new JLabel("Last Name"); add(lname); JLabel cnic=new JLabel("CNIC"); add(cnic); JLabel address=new JLabel("Address"); add(address); JLabel phone=new JLabel("Phone No"); add(phone); JTextField t = new JTextField(20); add(t); JTextField t1 = new JTextField(20); add(t1); JTextField t2 = new JTextField(22); add(t2); JTextField t3 ...

13. JLabel/JTextfield Animation    java-forums.org

14. Guess Example Utilizing JButton, JTextField, and JLabels    forums.oracle.com

The loop stopped and the form shows now. I have fixed the location coordinates, but what I really am not understanding or not sure what I'm doing is when entering a value in guessing, I'm assuming the code of the actionlistener should run which are the if statements, then should show a label too high or too low, etc. and nothing ...

15. Help with JLabels and JTextFields    forums.oracle.com

16. JButton/JLabel/JTextField help    forums.oracle.com

17. How to align JLabels and JTextFields?    forums.oracle.com

Hey Guys, I am quite new to Java and now having some trouble with JLabels and JTextFields, I have tried several methods and nothing seens to work. If I use 2 JPanels it does get a very large sized textfield or they don't align correctly. I have tried to use Box.Glue and RigidArea as well but it also does not work. ...

18. Dimensions for JComponents like JLabel,JTextField    forums.oracle.com

HI I have encountered a problem while using JLabel,JTextField,JButton etc...in Eclipse IDE.. I am unable to set Dimensions for these all components I am using FlowLayout in the Panel all these copmonents showing in flow order but not setting at desired location on the panel I have used JLabel label.setBounds(10, 50,top+150, 150); like that with others..... so Plz help me solving ...

19. Dimensions for JComponents like JLabel,JTextField    forums.oracle.com

HI I have encountered a problem while using JLabel,JTextField,JButton etc...in Eclipse IDE.. I am unable to set Dimensions for these all components I am using FlowLayout in the Panel all these copmonents showing in flow order but not setting at desired location on the panel I have used JLabel label.setBounds(10, 50, 150, 150); like that with others..... so Plz help me ...

20. Adding JTextFields and JLabels on a window/panel    forums.oracle.com

Hi everyone, i am creating a program that reads information from an XML, it can read the XML without any problem. my problem is i have got an Element viz: serviceOrderElement, and i store its values inside a Combobox. that serviceOrderElement has parameters E.g: GRPID DEPT POVERDUE STARTDATE ENDDATE ORDER1 ORDERTYPE1 ORDER2 ORDERTYPE2 ...

21. JTextfields and JButtons and JLabels and paintings in applets    forums.oracle.com

1) Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum. 2) As a general rule you never need to override paint(). (You did it incorrectly here because you didn't use super.paint() which is causing your problem). So fixing this problem, it should work, but in not the correct design. 3) to do custom painting extend JComponent or JPanel and override ...