FocusLost « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. Using JTextField with Model (on focusLost) and run Actions with model data

I have a Java Swing application, that has many JTextFields and a datamodel. When leaving the textfields (focus lost), the text is written to the Model. So far, so good. There are ...

2. Problem with Focuslost event of jtextfields

Hi, I have problem with jtextfields focuslost event, i have 2 textfields and 2 focuslost events for both textfields and in first textfields focuslost event i have written if the jtextfield1.gettext.length < 0 then jtextfield1.requestFocus() and same code in second textfield event also , now i press tab from jtextfield1 without typing anything then cursor toggles. Now how to stop that ...

3. Breaking a focuslost event in validating a JTextfield

This problem seems to occur often but I have not found a solution. A JTextfield gets its content validated (for example the field must not be blank) when the focus on the field is lost, and retains the focus until the user enters valid data, after which the focus moves to another field. But say the user decides not to proceed ...