DocumentListener « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to get JTextField name in which is Document placed?

Is there something like event.getSource for DocumentListener too? Im trying to change color of just one JTextField in which is text changing. Here is my DocumentListener:

DocumentListener posluchac = new DocumentListener() {

2. java - Cant change the value of a JTextfield from inside of DocumentListener methods

I get an "Attempt to mutate in notification" exception. 1. How can I change it ? 2. How can I get the value that was inside the TextField before the listener was ...

3. Can instantiate the type DocumentListener

I need to do this: Value Change Listener to JTextField I'm trying the solution of Condemwnci, but I'm getting that error in the line: textField.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() that in my case is: jtxtfBuscarInv.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() In my ...

4. TextField and DocumentListener

5. JTextField - DocumentListener

Hallo I have a text field and I want to know when the field is changed by the user, for this I add a DocumentListener to the Document (see the code) .......... field = new JTextField(); field.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new MyDocumentModelListener()); ........... private class MyDocumentModelListener implements DocumentListener { public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { System.out.println("removeUpdate = "); } public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { System.out.println("insertUpdate = ...

6. Use documentlistener to get source of which text field is changed

private class myListener implements DocumentListener { public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { // Hours if(e.getSource() == hours) { String hours_text = hours.getText(); System.out.println(hours_text); } } } I need to be able to tell which text field the user inserts text into, so i used e.getSource() in an if statement to find if it was the hours text field. When I compiled I ...

7. DocumentListener and JTextField Confusion.

I'm working on an address book application. Yes, I know its lame, but it has been helping me become more familiar with swing. Ive decided to have the name field in the address book capitalize the fist letter of each part of the persons name, and also force the other letters to be lowercase. That was easy, but actually putting the ...