Character « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. Is there an easy way to get characters from the keyboard without hitting enter in Java?

I'd like to know if there is an easy way to get character input from a JTextField in Java as they happen, not after an enter keystroke. In my case I want ...

2. Trigger a button when exactly 13 characters in text field

I have a text field and a Search button. If the user enters precisely 13 digits (a barcode) then I want to trigger the Search automatically. I have a DocumentListener on the ...

3. setting limited number of characters for a text field

Hi all, I am using a JFormattedTextfield and setting a Format with the constructor. my problem is i want to limit the charcters in my field too.I can limit the characters using JTexfield when i dunno use a JFormattedTextfield .I would like to get help that how should i limit number of charcters in a JFormattedTextfield. regards srijan

5. How to create UPPERCASE formatted text field with mixed character input

I am looking for a way to instantly format text that user types to uppercase. However the input will contain non-alphabet characters such as spaces and dashes. I tried JFormattedTextField with a long "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" mask, but it is not able to handle non-alphabet characters. For example format "bp96-00826a" into "BP96-00826A". Is there a better or an easier way to do this ...

6. Limiting number of characters a user can enter in a JTextField - Netbeans?

I have a form in Netbeans with a JTextField. I want to limit the number of characters a user can enter into this field. In my source code I have: int strLen; String fName = fName_text.getText(); //fName_text is the JTextField on my form. if((strLen = fName.length()) >25){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"FIRST NAME IS LIMITED TO 25 CHARACTERS","NOTICE",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);} else { //Stop the application and leave ...