Array « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to pass Java textfield to an array list?

Guys, kindly help me how to pass the values of my inputs in my JTextField(ID,LastName,FirstName,Course,Year) into my ArrayList without replacing the existing elements. At the same i'll be using my ArrayList stored ...

2. JTextfield array help

I have been trying to create a JFormattedTextField array which populates in a pane. Once a click event occurs, the actions get processed and the textfields are populated using setText(). ...

3. JButtons need to modify 8 JTextFields using an Array. Listen to Buttons or Text?

This is homework. Beginning Java class. Still wrapping my head around this stuff. This questions Extends this one So there is a button for First, Prev, Next, and Last Each should modify Item ...

4. Posting from JTextFields into array

Ok So i have made my array and added an action listener so that when the button named "Submit" is clicked all data from my JTextFields should be entered into an ...

5. im trying to make data inserted in textfields to be in a single string and store it into a 1D array

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class New_movie extends  JFrame
 JLabel barcodeLabel = new JLabel("Barcode:");  
  JLabel titleLabel = new JLabel("Title:");
  JLabel categoryLabel = new JLabel("Category:");
  JLabel ...

6. Array of numbers inside a JTextField - Java

I'm trying to make a JTextField receive an array of numbers. I tryed with "for" and all the stuff needed to run an array, but without succes. Here is the piece ...

7. JTextField array in gui builder

Is there a way to make my textfields part of an array in the gui builder? I know I can code it by hand but that's unecessary extra maintenance if I could do it visually, specially taking into account that the number of textfields change over time depending on new necessities. I do something similar with JButtons by using ButtonGroup. This ...

8. TextField or Array

9. how to access values from Jtextfields into an array ?

hello forum, I am a novice to java and is finding it very difficult to understand the intricacies of java.Your help will be valuable to me. I have a series of randomly generated textfields( generated inside an event handler) and the user input has to be stored inside an array like ,parameters[],at the click of a button.I will send my code.Plz ...

10. NullpointException with Array of javax.swing.JTextField

public class Javaform extends javax.swing.JFrame { private String[] TextFieldsNames = {"A", "B", "C"}; private javax.swing.JTextField [] ArrayofTextfields1; public Javaform() { initComponents(); } public static void main(String args[]) { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { new Javaform().setVisible(true); } }); } private void initComponents() { for (int i = 0; i < TextFieldsNames.length; i++) { ArrayofTextfields1[i] = new javax.swing.JTextField(); }

11. Java text fields to 2D array

I'm having an issue populating a 2D array from textfields. The GUI has 2 buttons and 2 textfields. Everytime the enter button is pushed it should store the values in the 2 text fields into the array. When the report button is pushed it should output all the values in the array to a textarea. The end result should be a ...

12. Java text fields on a panel in a 2d array

Hi I'm trying to design a sudoku solver and finding it slow going. I have a front end GUI with a button panel and a 9x9 grid. Can someone help me with trying to fill make the cells accept text. I've tried quite a few things but can't get it to work. Here is the code that i have manged to ...

13. Java GUI, reading an Array Of JTextFields

//Usual jargon here //Declare the Array of JTextFields private JTextField[][] tCells = new JTextField[rows][columns]; //Further on down the code ////////////////// //Nested for loop to print out the JTextFields ////////////// for (int rowCount = 0; rowCount < rows; rowCount++) { for (int columnCount = 0; columnCount < columns; columnCount++) { tCells = new JTextField[rows][columns]; tCells[rowCount][columnCount] = new JTextField(10); panel.add(tCells[rowCount][columnCount]); // ///////// //Rest ...

14. JTextField array??

ok, just pointing out some problems... these won't create a compile-time error but you'll want them corrected I suppose: 1) Your for loop should make i go until 29, not 30 2) I'm supposing here "instructions" is a JLabel and "amount" is a JTextField (or both are text fields, doesn't matter). You'll want to add new components at each JPanel, and ...

15. Jtextfield and array

16. How To Make Many JTextfields in Array?

17. How to add Jtextfield into an array?

Dear All I seek your expertise in advising me how can I add Jtextfield into an array For example: I created the following : String[]TextField = { "s1","s2","s3"}; String[0] = new JTextField(); I will get an error. I am not sure how to being. Will you be able to correct me? Thank you.

18. JTextfield value from Gui to Array in seperate class

Lot of guesswork going on in your coding, and development practice in general, OP. Slow down. Forget Swing for now, get to grips with basic stuff like, how to pass references around an application, and more fundamental things like, knowing that something running in one JVM won't magically know about something running in another. Now, I know that statement has got ...