Access « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. Access to Java Swing TextField from other class

I have a problem with Java Swing text input. I have a method inputData() in class A and when I call it, the method should wait while user fill TextField input ...

2. how to access TextField

3. Access JTextField from another class.....

4. Why can't I access JTextField form particular function?

Thats right, because I left it out. For testing purposes it tried to get "display.getBackground()" in the changeKonfig()-function. It doesn't matter what I try to do with my display (JTextField).... I always get this error. Here is the error message: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at xmltest.XMLTest.changeKonfig( at xmltest.XMLTest.setSprache( at xmltest.XMLTest.( at xmltest.XMLTest.main( Java Result: 1 Where can I find the ...