String « JTextArea « Java Swing Q&A

1. cant append string to jtextarea

public class Main {

    private static void createAndShowGUI()  {

        JFrame frame1 = new JFrame("FINAL YEAR PROJECT VER 1.0");


2. Java - checking if parseInt throws exception

I'm wondering how to do something only if Integer.parseInt(whatever) doesn't fail. More specifically I have a jTextArea of user specified values seperated by line breaks. I want to check each line to see ...

3. textarea.getText() is not working properly in Java

I have a JTextArea, and I'm trying to do a stupid test using textarea.getText()

if(textarea.getText() == "")
    System.out.println("empty string");
When I do this I don't get anything on the screen ...

4. How to retrieve and set the huge String data retrieved -- to a JTextArea in swing?

I have 2 classes -A and B.I am building a GUI for retrieving a list of files. Class B is for recursion and returns a generic List of files. Class A ...

5. How to add hyperlink to file in my file system from specific string in JTextArea component

I build some GUI in java with Swing, I use JTextArea to display plain text, and i want to take specific string from the content in the JTextArea component and make ...

6. create a read-only string segment that acts like a character in a textarea

Hi, I'm trying to create a textarea that has segments of text that act like a character. By this I mean the following: - the whole string section cannot be edited - if the first or last characters are deleted, the whole thing is deleted - the cursor should jump across the whole string as if it were a single character ...

7. Is there an easy way to get a String from jTextArea?

Hi All, I wonder if you could help me. I'm implementing a sort of IDE for Assembly language. I have a jTextArea where the asm code is input. Because i need to parse each asm instruction, i need to get the lines of code one at a time. I'm trying to use the getLineCount & offset methods from jTextArea as follows: ...

8. How to Highlight a String in JTextArea

10. Java JTextArea/Field and String Help Needed!

Hello, i have a calculator program made with a JFrame with 2 JPanels, 1 panel has all the buttons and the second JPanel has my JTextArea. so, everything works with my buttons and when i press one it displays that number int the JTextArea, but when i press another number it takes the previous number off the text area and displays ...

11. delete string in JtextArea

Dear all, I'm doing a simulation to demonstrate Linda, and now facing some problems. This is the printscreen of my simulation when "connect to server" button is pressed, both agent 1 and agent 2 can input operations into uts (textarea). out means output a value into uts; rd means search a value in uts; and in means search a value in ...

12. Getting strings from JTextArea into variables

So, I'm working on a little program for myself that takes a picture of the screen at specific coordinates and then outputs the picture in a .jpg I have it working taking a picture of the whole screen, but I wanted it to be able to be more specific by creating JTextAreas in a GridLayout and then having the strings entered ...

13. Convert String to JTextArea

Hi, I have an application where it is reading from a file filled with car details. I need to search for cars in particular, say red cars and display them in a JTextArea. Can anyone tell me how can I convert from string to Jtextarea so that I can display them in the TextArea?? Thanks

14. Convert from String to JTextArea

Hi, I have a string which is generated when the user clicks on a button and asks for some data. Now I need to display this string in a JTextArea however, I am finding some problems. When the user clicks on a button, the application returns several records that meet the query and details are added to the string. Currently, with ...

16. JTextArea to String[]

17. Color coded string in JTextArea

18. finding a string in a JTextArea

19. how to print array of string in to jtextarea

can you help me how to print an array of strings in a JTextArea.. jTextArea1.setText(arraystring[0]); this code only prints the first string of the array.. i dont know how to print the other strings inside the array arraystring. i can only print one at a time by changing the number. help me please...