Size « JTextArea « Java Swing Q&A

1. JTextArea - very small size with long text

I'm using a JTextArea to display a long text

JTextArea _definition = new JTextArea(5, 50);
with word-wrap
embedded in a JScrollPane
add(new JScrollPane(_definition), gbc);
All that is part of a JPanel with the GridBagLayout. Everything is working ...

2. How To Keep Size Of JTextArea constant?

I'm using an object of JTextArea in my application which deals with sending sms. I've used a DocumentFilter so as to allow only 160 characters to be typed in ...

3. how can i use different font types and sizes for the same text area in java

i have a text area in my java form. how can i use different font types and sizes

 public double roundTwoDecimals(double d) {
    DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#.##");

4. How to set the maximum necessary size of a JTextArea

I have a non-editable JTextArea. I want the size of this JTextArea to be no larger than needed to contain the text it has. However, if I expand the ...

6. Setting size to fit text (JTextArea)

7. TextArea with fixed size

8. Adjusting textarea size to window

9. jtextarea change font size

Hi there, I wonder if it's possible to change the font size in a jtextarea so in every new line the text will increase. in other words, when I do this: Font f = new Font("Times Roman", Font.BOLD, 10); jta.setFont(f); jta.append("ELVIS"); f = new Font("Times Roman", Font.BOLD, 20); jta.setFont(f); jta.append("PRESLEY"); the result is font size 20. how can I ensure that ...

10. Forcing JTextArea to respect its size

11. How do I change size of JTextArea

13. Constant size for JTextArea

14. display huge size file in jtextarea

Hello Friends, I want to display huge size files (<100 MB) in JTextArea. But it is not displaying the contents. I use the below code to test it. But it is also not showing. Please help me. Java Code: import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import*; public class ViewOrder extends JFrame{ JPanel pnlText, pnlBody, pnlFooter; JButton btnViewOrder; JButton ...

15. text area size problem

Hello, I'm making a gui that has a JTextArea inside a JScrollPane inside a JPanel. When I didn't have the JPanel it would always make the JTextArea the size of the window, but when I have them inside the JPanel, the JTextArea will stay the preferred size and the JScrollPane wouldn't work. I want to make it so I can have ...

16. GUI JTextArea sizing problem

Hello to all, I am trying to create a class with a form for a chat system client. I am adding my main frame contantPane() two panels, upper and lower. the contantPane() is layout as borderLayout, and the upper panel is flowLayout with one JTextArea in it. the lower has the send button and another JTextArea. the problem is I don't ...

17. setFont resets JTextAreas size

18. JTextArea need help in size

Hello everyone. I have a quick question. When my program opens I have the window open to the max by getting the screen size dimension. I also have a text area in the frame that I would like do to the same. Any ideas? I have tried setRow, setCol but the problem is these will vary across computers. I tried textArea.setSize(dimension ...

19. setFont onf JtextArea resets size

resets in the sense what exactly is happening ? is the size of the textarea becoming zero or is increasing ?exact sizes may also help. But this is happening becuase, preffered size is calucated as width = max(width, columns * getColumnWidth() + insets.left + insets.right); height = max(height, rows * getRowHeight() + + insets.bottom); and rowHeight and columnHeight are reset ...