Print « JTextArea « Java Swing Q&A

1. JTextArea Printing

I have an JTextArea with some lines of text in it.I want to print that lines of text, here i am using the method getText() and storing the whole data into ...

2. How to print text to a text area

I have a text area where I want messages to be displayed in my game and I'm wondering how I would go about making a method that would print a text ...

4. Print a JTextArea

hello friend, try by using this code...... import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.print.*; /** A simple utility class that lets you very simply print * an arbitrary component. Just pass the component to the * PrintUtilities.printComponent. The component you want to * print doesn't need a print method and doesn't have to * implement any interface or do anything special at ...

5. Print a JtextArea

6. Printing from JTextArea

7. Printing TextArea which span more than 1 page

I want to print the content of JTextarea which span more than 1 page.i have tried all suggestion in the forums but still have the same result. it only print the first page. Please help me. This is really urgent.Printing have driven me crazy,please please help me. attached is the code for printing: public class PrintUtilities implements Printable { private Component ...

9. how to print the text in text area

This is an example to print the text from a JTextArea import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import java.awt.print.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import javax.swing.text.rtf.*; import javax.swing.undo.*; public class TestPrint extends javax.swing.JFrame implements Printable { protected PrintView m_printView; protected DefaultStyledDocument m_doc; StyleContext m_context; /** Creates new form TestPrint */ public TestPrint() ...

10. Printing on JTextArea

Dear Tom Hill; Thank you very much for giving me some codes, I really appriciate it. We have the same coding format and thats a good thing cause I'm not gonna have problem understanding it. I'll try my best to try it okey. I'll let you know if it worked for me. Thank you, the reason I asked for a print ...

11. Printing Contents of JTextArea

this method used in my print class only prints the visible text in my JTextArea. Does anyone have some experience they could share with me on how to make all of the text print out? public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int pageIndex) { int response = NO_SUCH_PAGE; Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; // for faster printing, turn off double buffering ...

12. printing from a JTextArea

14. to print output in textarea

i want to print output in textarea my output is continuous ,when connection with particular socket is established,which is a reader, it reads continuous tags. so what i appended the variable in which tha tag value has been stored to text area but problem is that it is not appending as output is so continuous & variable value is changing continuously ...

15. print data to textarea

public class form extends javax.swing.JFrame { // private IntTextField intField; JFrame frame; PreparedStatement pstatement = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/"; String db = "entry"; String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; String user = "root"; String pass = "aaaa"; Connection con = null; int count=0; /** Creates new form form */ public form() { initComponents(); try { Class.forName(driver).newInstance(); con = ...

16. Trying to print from a JTextArea

I am tring to print from a JTextArea. I don't really need to display the JTextArea, just using it to get at the print() function that exists. I have set the content type to text/html send it some HTML text. When I do print it, the text comes out very large (what shoudl be a 7 page document comes out as ...

17. How to get print this in a text area from other JFrame?

/* * import*; class MGStreamGobbler extends Thread { InputStream isSource; String strType; OutputStream osGoal; String strLine=null; MGStreamGobbler(InputStream isParSource, String strParType) { isSource=isParSource; strType=strParType; } public void run() { String ip="",iptemp=""; int posicion1,posicion2; try { InputStreamReader isrSource = new InputStreamReader(isSource); BufferedReader brSource = new BufferedReader(isrSource); String strLine=null; while ( (strLine = brSource.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(strType + ">" + strLine); ...

18. Printing a Vector to a JTextArea

Yeah, I do now. I've gone back to a much more unconventional method now and am trying to work through it that way. If not I'll report of difficulties faced and hope they understand an Information Systems student isn't very strong at programming. Thank you for your help. It is much appreciated. Edited by: Mitty_NTU on Apr 21, 2010 12:28 PM ...

19. printing a please

Thanks for the reponse at 4 am in the US i have a JFrame with a JtextArea inside it The setPrintable method at the given link takes only a printable as an argument whereas JTextArea is not a printable by default. So what should i do?? Edited by: alphaJoseph on Apr 21, 2009 2:28 AM

20. Very strange spacing when printing a JTextArea

Thanks for the reply. In concern to the inconsistent code. I had changed the original code trying to tinker with it, when I posted it on the forums I removed what I had added to tinker with it, or so I thought. The interactive parameter was supposed to be deleted in the post. But all important code is the same. I'll ...

21. Printing From JTextAreas...

22. Printing using a JTextArea

23. Print Stack Trace to a JTextArea