JPanel « JTextArea « Java Swing Q&A

1. Displaying an image on a JtextArea within a JPanel

not sure why this won't work i am using netbeans to create it i have similar code in jcreator an it works. any help greatly appreciated

    public void ...

2. Add a background image to a JPanel & JTextArea

Hello all, I just am writting a chat program. Like in MSN I want to give the user to change the background of the Text area where they are chatting. In the same time, is it possible to add a background image to a panel. So the interface looks good. Thank you very much.

3. JPanel and JTextArea problem

When I input text in the text area it starts in the center and extends beyond the window to the left. Why is that? import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Editor extends JFrame implements ActionListener{ JMenuBar menu; JMenu newFile; JMenu newAbout; JMenu newOptions; JMenuItem newFileOpen; JMenuItem newFileSave; JMenuItem newFileExit; JMenuItem newAboutAbout; JMenuItem newAboutHelp; JMenuItem newOptionsFontColor; JMenuItem newOptionsBackgroundColor; ...

4. how can i display output text in a textArea of a jpanel

hello, i have a tabbed pane with 3 jPanel.2 is for processing and another 1 is to display an output. there is a button 'Generator' in both processing panel,after process the information,i want to display the output in a textarea in output panel.currently my code doesnt has error but the output doesnt displayed in textarea.this is my code (i show for ...

5. Can't resize textarea in JPanel Form

Hi. I'm doing a project, basically making a custom mediplayer. I have a JList that serves as my playlist. This JList contains Trial objects. A trial is a JPanel Form in Netbeans. I want to add my own components to trials using the "design mode" in Netbeans. I add a component (in my case, a scrollpane containing a textarea). So far, ...