Append « JTextArea « Java Swing Q&A

1. Appending text in Java's JTextArea

Good day! I have a problem with my text area. I use jTextArea1.append("cleverly amusing"); to add the text.. FIRST APPEND: then I use jTextArea1.append("a fight"); to add the next text. SECOND APPEND

2. Can't append one of the lines to JTextArea

import java.awt.BorderLayout;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;


public class readFile extends JFrame {

JTextArea _resultArea = new JTextArea(100, 100);

JScrollPane scrollingArea = new JScrollPane(_resultArea);

final String ...

3. appending text in a jTextBox

 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {// handle button event

        Object source = evt.getSource();
        String k = evt.getActionCommand();

4. Having problem with appending a text to a JTextArea after Using a DocumentFilter

I am a having problem with appending a text to a JTextArea after Using a DocumentFilter, I need to append a string on the JTextArea after the text ...

5. append JTextArea & invokelater()

I need some help on this one please, i basically have, and This is

if (source == enter2) {

6. Prevent scrolling when appending to JTextArea

Hello! I have two JTextAreas side by side in an application. One of the JTextAreas is for editing text, and the narrow one to the side of it is for line numbering. I am listening for a variety of events in my main editable JTextArea so that when the user types something, the line count is checked and the line numbering ...

7. Problem in appending multiple names to the textarea

Hello, I've designed two windows as standalone applications in swing for the client-side & a servlet for the server side.The first window is named as Login window & second as MainWindow. Now when the user logins using my Loginwindow the user gets authenticated through my Loginservlet .If the required parameters for authentication are successfully verified then my Mainwindow code is called ...

9. JTextArea scroll on append

10. JTextArea append() not working?

So I'm planning to make a level editor for a game and to do that I must be able to read and save files. Now I'm making a program that opens a textfile and shows the text in a JTextArea but the append() method doesn't work where it's supposed to. It seems it stops working after I opened a dialog with ...

11. No text displayed, JTextArea.append();?

Basically, what I was trying to do is to run this Antivirus app called "clamscan.exe" and I want to display out (on a particular JTextArea) whatever the output the Antivirus stream out. Here are my codes: public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) { Process p; String s = ""; try { p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("mainbin/clamscan.exe --database=\"C:\\Users\\Aces\\workspace\\Year2Sem1\\InfoSecurityProject\\db\" --recursive C:\\"); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); ...

13. TextArea appending multiple lines.

14. Appending text to TextArea

I have a DoublyLinkedList with displayforward() function which displays the content of my list onto the console. I am using objects to call the displayforward() function from a file. DoublyLinkedList is another class contained in a separate file. I use ObjectOutputStream inorder to receive the objects. How do i display the same content onto the TextArea of the Router front ...

15. How can I append text in JTextArea from another class

i have two classes A and B, i defined a TextArea myTextArea in A and try to append text to it from B but it is not showing anything in the textArea. below i have some parts of the program. Some one help me please. Class A Class A extends javax.swing.JFrame{ private JTextArea myTextArea; A( ){ myTextArea = new JtextArea; } ...

16. Problems appending JTextArea

Hey so i need to know the setting/method to reverse the following. In a JTextArea, when the text in the area gets too long, i need it to default to the bottom of the String. Instead, it defaults to always stick to the top of the String and make me scroll down to the bottom. Can anyone help?

17. Append to JTextArea instantly Problem

public void startServer() { ServerSocket ss = null; if(jButton1.getText().equals("Start")){ try{ jButton1.setText("Stop"); taMessages.append("Starting the server..\r\n"); ss = new ServerSocket(50000); taMessages.append("The server started at port: " + ss.getLocalPort() + "\r\n"); System.out.println("Starting the server.."); while(true){ try{ Socket s = ss.accept(); taMessages.append("A client has connected!"); ClientThread ct = new ClientThread(s); ct.start(); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e); } } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e); } }else{ try{ jButton1.setText("Start"); taMessages.append("Server Stopped!\r\n"); ...

18. append to JtextArea on a panel

I can't seem to get my ActionListener to append data to an existing JTextArea(). I can create an instance of the frame with the panels and working buttons using the constructor. I can't seem to get my ActionListener class to work for appending data. It works for clearing the text fields and exiting but not for appending data to JTextArea() any ...

20. My JTextArea cant append..

private JTextField jtfEnterName,jtfPlayer1,jtfPlayer2; private JLabel jlblBS,jlblEnterName,jlblPlayer1,jlblPlayer2,jlblDate,jlblEmpty,jlblEmpty2,jlblStatus,jlblWelcome; private JTextArea jtaMsg; //private Cell[][] cell = new Cell[5][4]; private JPanel jpFull,jpTop,jpBottom,jpLabel,jpMsg,jpDetails,jpDateSend,jpDate,jpSend; private JButton jbtnSend; private Cell[][] cell = new Cell[5][4]; private BufferedReader fromServer; private PrintWriter toServer; private String wait = "Status : waiting. "; private String blank = ""; private JTextArea jtaLog; private JScrollPane scrollpane; private ClientModel cm; private Thread battleship;